Friday, December 5

the dynamic nature - skin care blog

Hi folks. After creating this blog, I was very busy creating a web site of my own.It is about health care. Lot of research and reference work was put into. We do not realise that, nature has surrounded us with so many gifts. I have detailed a few of them in my web site. Do visit my web site and post your comments and suggestions in this blog. This blog will be devoted for topics like skin, skin care, dryskin, oily skin, facial skin, winter skin care, summer skin care, vitamins for skin care, skin care products, hair care, hair loss, hair removal, skin health, skin diseases, acne, wrinkles etc..

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12/18/2008

    Thanks for commenting on my blog! I like the info on the food that can cut cholesterol without using statins (the Hugh Downs info) but I always feel disappointed that the information is always for sale, instead of just put out in to the world.
