Saturday, December 29

Skin types - Different types of face skin

Home > Different face skin types
There are five basic different face skin types seen in the general population. For proper skin care and beauty enhancement you have to know and identify these different types to make right decisions.
Use of wrong skin care products in fact can be disastrous to your face skin.

Factors contributing to different face skin types

Different seasonal weather conditions and atmospheric and environmental factors have effect on your skin. The hormones produced by your body and the genetic and hereditary factors can have a lasting effect on the skin. Mental and physical stress, emotions, your food habits, general health conditions and aging can contribute to your having any particular condition.

The types of different beauty products and topical applications so far used have a direct bearing on your epidermis. There may be a constant state of fluctuation of the types and the situation may change from one to an entirely different one even in a weeks time. Hence periodic testing for your face condition is necessary.

Different face skin types

There are basically five different conditions. They are,
  • normal,
  • oily,
  • dry,
  • combination and 
  • sensitive.

Normal face skin

This is an ideal condition, least common and a very small percentage of people have it. The truth is that such people will be having an excellent state of overall health. Normal skin is smooth to touch and is not oily, shiny or dry. It has even tone and complexion and appears healthy with fewer blemishes. This type has small pores and balanced levels of natural oils and moisture. It is firm and elastic showing few wrinkles. Taking care of such dermis is easy and requires only some protective applications. Overdoing any cosmetic procedures may in fact ruin and change this condition.

Oily condition

The skin of the person with this condition, especially on the face, appears shiny and oily and has enlarged pores.
The individual with this condition is very much prone to acne, blackheads and whiteheads. Oily condition is more common in teenagers and young adults in twenties. Due to hormonal inducement, sebaceous glands secrete excess sebum in this age group. Though the whole face gets oily, the "T" area of the face, namely neck, chest and back are more affected.

Dry condition

Skin in this condition is chronically dehydrated. It appears dry, flaky and parched with small pores. It is tight, dull and leathery in appearance and sometimes wrinkles begin to appear. Loss of moisture and natural oils leads to this condition. Excessive exposure to sun or cold winds, aging, nutritional deficiencies, recurrent infections and inappropriate use of cosmetics can cause or aggravate this problem. Different dry dermal care efforts are necessary to get relief. Elderly people quite often suffer from this condition.

Mixed or combination types

Many people have this condition with mixture of normal, dry and oily skin. Forehead, nose and chin area of the face is known as "T" zone. This area appears oily with enlarged pores. Cheeks, sides of the forehead and neck may progressively be normal or dry. In beauty care and treatment different types of products have to be used in this condition. Dry areas may require moisturizer whereas oily areas may require products like cleanser to remove excess oil.

Sensitive skin types

In this condition dermis is usually thin and fine textured. Rashes and redness may appear as allergic reactions to cosmetics, sun and cold exposure. These mild to severe reactions may leave it sore and dry. In order to protect this condition of face it is advised to wear sunscreen when going out. Beauty care products which do not have harsh chemicals and have only natural substances are best suitable.
Image source:
Author: User:Helix84
License: Public domain
Current topic: Different facial skin types.

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