Tuesday, November 12

Natural makeup application tips

Natural makeup application tips
Nowadays makeup application is being done in a more scientific manner and the trend is to give natural look to the skin with added protection.
The very basic requirement for looking good is to have a healthy body and of course healthy skin. When the skin is healthy the requirement to use makeup will be less.

Eating balanced food, avoiding fats and fast foods, drinking sufficient water and exercising regularly can go a long way in improving the general health. Following a regular skin care regimen will help in maintaining a healthy skin. Regular cleansing, exfoliating and moisturizing is very important for keeping good natural looks.

The very purpose of the application is to bring out the best of your natural beauty. Makeup is, definitely, not to look like somebody else. Proper makeup application is an art by itself. Many women hesitate to apply them fearing that they may go wrong. However it is very easy to learn, if we understand the science behind it.

The best face makeup

The very first step in face application is to know the type of skin you have. There five types of skin namely, normal, oily, dry, mixed and sensitive . Each skin type requires a different approach in makeup. Oily skin require removal of excess oil before application.

Dry skin requires regular moisturization and periodic exfoliation to keep the skin soft and supple and scale free. In case of mixed skin the oily areas have to be blotted to remove face oil and the dry areas have to be generously moisturized. For tender skin, the cause of skin sensitivity has to be known before using any cream as there could be flareup of the condition.

For more information read ''.

How to do natural look makeup

Keep your skin healthy and consult a dermatologist to get rid of acne and other skin blemishes. Regularly cleanse, exfoliate and moisturize your skin. The cardinal natural makeup application tips is 'lesser the better'. Natural look is not 'no makeup' look. You have to aim for the appreciation of your beauty and not of your makeup.

To bring out your beauty you may be required to only remove some extra face oil or conceal some of the blemishes and fine lines. If you have dark circles and blemishes use a concealer sparingly. Smear the right foundation sparingly but blend well to avoid streaks. The foundation must merge with your skin tone.

For more information read ''.

Makeup application tips

Many professional training institutions have sprung up giving exclusive training to beginners as well as professional artists. With right type of inclination and intelligence, the art of makeup can be learnt at home. With progression you will gain confidence evolve you own methods.

For getting that stunning look prepare your face well before application. Moisturize your face and wait for 10-15 minutes before makeup. You can use primer to even out the skin, specially in wrinkle areas. Use suitable brush or use finger tips to smear primer evenly on the face.

For more information read ''.

Current topic: Natural makeup application tips.

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