Monday, January 26

The vitamin for coagulation is Vitamin K

Vitamin K is a fat soluble vitamin and the K is from the German word Koagulation. This vitamin is very essential for the formation of many proteins involved in clot formation.
Deficiency As this vitamin is easily available from plant sources and also produced by bacteria in the intestine its dietary deficiency is very rare. Deficiency may occur when intestinal flora is destroyed by the use of antibiotics. In situations wherein intestinal tissue is damaged leading to low absorption the deficiency may occur. New born babies who are breast-fed are at the risk as human milk is relatively low in vitamin K and the intestinal flora may not have established. Adults who are on anti-coagulant drugs may be at the risk of developing deficiency of this vitamin.
Sources The excellent sources of vitamin K are leafy vegetables, cereals, and fruits. For further information please visit the dynamic nature web site.

Vitamin E is essential for skin care as a potent antioxidant

Vitamin E is a family of chemical compounds existing in eight forms, four tocopherols and four tocotrienols. Slightly different biological activity has been attributed to each form. Alpha tocopherol is the most active form of vitamin E found in the human beings. Vitamin E is fat soluble. Vitamin E is a potent antioxidant protecting our bodies from harmful effects of the free radicals. Free radicals damage our body cells and cause cancer and contribute to the development of cardiovascular diseases. Vitamin E also helps in metabolic processes including DNA repair and immune function. Vitamin E is believed to be good for skin because of its antioxidant properties and used in cosmetic and food products. In aged people cataract is encountered leading to disability and blindness. Vitamin E helps in the prevention of cataract growth. Persons taking moderate levels of vitamin E have been found to have a lower risk of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. Deficiency Persons who cannot absorb fats suffer from the deficiency because some dietary fat is required for the absorption of this vitamin. Vitamin E deficiency may cause anemia due to oxidative damage of red blood cells by free radicals. Neurological problems may arise in vitamin E deficiency. Peripheral neuropathy may result in deficiency causing loss of sensation, pain and tingling sensation in extremities. Toxicity In very high doses when taken as supplement vitamin E may cause bleeding. High doses also may cause muscle weakness and fatigue, blurred vision and intestinal cramps and diarrhea. When taken from natural foods alone vitamin E does not have toxicity. Sources Vegetables, green leaves like spinach, vegetable oils, whole grains and fruits are good sources of vitamin E. For further information please visit the dynamic nature web site.

Vitamin D is produced photochemically in the skin

Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin and is present naturally in very few foods and is available as food additive and food supplement. However it is synthesized by human body when exposed to direct sun light.

Vitamin D helps in the absorption of calcium in the intestines and also its re-absorption in the kidneys. It helps in attaining and maintaining the serum levels of calcium and phosphates in the blood. This helps in the mineralization of the bones. Vitamin D promotes bone growth, bone remodeling and with out sufficient vitamin D bones may become brittle, thin and misshapen. Together with calcium it protects the elderly people from osteoporosis.

In the human body vitamin D has other roles like reduction of inflammation, neuromuscular activities and immune functions. vitamin D is believed to reduce the risk of colorectal, breast and prostate cancers.

Vitamin D deficiency may arise from inadequate consumption of its source foods, insufficient exposure to sun light and from disorders limiting its absorption in gut and its re-absorption from kidneys.

The deficiency lead to Rickets in children and softening of bones and osteoporosis in adults. Rarely deficiency may be hereditary. Rickets in children may result in stunted growth and misshapen long bones resulting in deformity.

Osteomalacia occurs in elderly people with symptoms of muscle weakness and fragile bones due vitamin D deficiency. Osteoporosis arises with loss of bone density resulting in brittle bones and fractures. Symptoms of bone pain and muscle weakness may be due to inadequate vitamin D levels. These symptoms can be subtle and go undetected in the initial stages.

Children may suffer from insufficiency if the nursing mothers are deficient in vitamin D. Moreover mother's milk may not contain sufficient vitamin D and unless the children are exposed to sun light and, or supplemented with vitamin D they may develop rickets.

Homebound people and people living in northern latitudes may suffer from the deficiency of this vitamin. Darker skin also may reduce the ability of the skin to produce vitamin D from sun light. However excessive sun exposure to avoid deficiency carry the risk of skin cancer.

Vitamin D deficiency is connected to increase in blood pressure and cardiovascular risk. In dialyses patients low levels of vitamin D can lead to diabetes, hypertension and cancer.

Exposure to extended time does not cause toxicity as the excess produced is degraded. Generally vitamin D toxicity is very rare and its symptoms are nausea, poor appetite, weakness and weight loss.

Very few foods are natural source of vitamin D. Fish liver oils, liver, cheese and egg are the best sources. For further information please visit

Vitamin C is helpful in healing skin scars.

Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin and it is also known as Ascorbic acid.
Except humans most of the mammals can synthesize vitamin C in their body.
Humans, therefore have to obtain their supplies from their diet.
 Vitamin C is a very essential nutrient and its deficiency may cause disease Scurvy.
Vitamin C is essential for healing of wounds. It is very important for the formation of collagen.
Collagen is an important protein and is found in the scar tissues, blood vessels, skin and ligaments.
Vitamin C is an antioxidant and stops the damage caused by free radicals.
 The action of free radicals over a long time causes aging.
Vitamin C protects us from cancer, heart disease and arthritis by binding to free radicals, slowing the aging process.
It is believed that vitamin C regenerate oxidants like vitamin E.
 Vitamin C is observed to reduce the symptoms of autism.
Vitamin C has been found to increase the fertility in men.
Increasing the immune function and slowing down the aging process are its other beneficial effects. Vitamin C intake also lowers the blood pressure.
Vitamin C deficiency causes: Scurvy, a potential fatal disease is caused by severe vitamin C deficiency.
 Scurvy causes hair loss, tooth loss, bleeding, joint pain and swelling.
Scurvy when untreated is fatal. However with the advance in medical knowledge it can be treated completely with vitamin C supplements.
Benefits of Vitamin C in skin care and skin health:
In the synthesis of collagen, a critical skin protein essential for skin tone and wound healing, vitamin C plays an very important role.
Clinical studies have proved that oral intake of vitamin C helps in the healing of skin injuries and wounds.It has been also proved that vitamin C is effective in healing skin scars.
In topical application of vitamin C formulations the skin scars respond well and fade and disappear.
Toxicity of vitamin C:
Large doses of vitamin C can cause indigestion and diarrhea.
  Food sources of vitamin C:
The human body does not manufacture vitamin C and cannot store it.
So it is very important to add vitamin C in our diet daily.
The rich natural sources of this vitamin are, fruits and vegetables, liver, citrus fruits, leafy greens and green peppers.
Visit for further information

Vitamin B7 (biotin) deficiency causes hair fall and loss

Biotin is one of the water soluble vitamins of the B complex group labeled vitamin B7.
Biotin is essential in the metabolism of fatty acids and in glucose synthesis. For cell growth, production of fatty acids and in the metabolism of the fats and amino acids biotin is necessary.

Citric acid cycle is a process by which biochemical energy is generated during aerobic respiration and biotin has very important role in it. Biotin helps in the maintenance of blood sugar levels. Biotin helping various metabolic reactions helps in transfer of carbon dioxide.

Biotin is often recommended for hair and nails care. hence, it is used in many cosmetic and health products for the hair and skin. Biotin is usually recommended to counter act the problems of hair loss. Biotin may be involved in the production and release of insulin. Type 2 diabetes patients have been found to have low levels of biotin.

Loss of hair and in severe deficiency loss of hair on the eye lashes and eye brows has been encountered in the case of biotin deficiency. Biotin deficiency is also triggered by excessive consumption of raw eggs. The raw egg white contains high levels of protein avidin which binds to biotin. However avidin is deactivated by cooking while biotin remains intact. In general appetite and growth are affected.

There are few side effects associated with higher doses of biotin. In rare cases stomach irritation and dermatitis have been reported.

Biotin is distributed in a variety of foods in low concentrations. Cereals, seeds, nuts, fruits and vegetables may be consumed to ward off any deficiency. For further information visit

Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) is essential for healthy skin

Vitamin B5 is a water soluble vitamin and is called Pantothenic acid, and very much required to sustain life. It is an anti-stress vitamin.
In human beings it is can be manufactured by the intestinal flora.
This vitamin is found to be involved in the metabolism of fatty acids and amino acids.
VitaminB5 plays an important role in secretion of hormones and in the support of adrenalin gland.
Apart from the healthy maintenance of skin, muscles and nerves, these hormones help in the fight against allergies.
Pantothenic acid is used in the creation of hemoglobin, lipids and steroid hormones. It is involved in the production of energy.
There is a opinion that this vitamin is also helpful in the treatment of wrinkles and graying if hair.
Pantothenic acid is reported to be useful in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.
Pantothenic acid deficiency is rare and has not been thoroughly studied.
The deficiency symptoms can be reversed with sufficient intake.;Most are minor, including fatigue, allergies, nausea, and abdominal pain.
Biochemical changes include increased insulin sensitivity, lowered blood cholesterol, decreased serum potassium.
Toxicity of pantothenic acid is unlikely.
Large doses of the vitamin, when ingested, have no reported side effects and massive doses may only yield mild intestinal distress and diarrhea at worst.
Most of the foods contain Pantothenic acid.
Higher concentration are found in meat products, in whole grains, brans, fish, legumes, yeast, eggs, fresh vegetables, kidney, liver, mushrooms, nuts, saltwater fish, whole rye flour, and whole wheat flour.
Vitamin B-5 can be found in avocado, brown rice, broccoli, and dairy foods, and is also synthesized by friendly bacteria within the body.For further information visit

Vitamin B3 (niacin) deficiency can cause skin inflammation, canker sores and eruptions (rashes)

Vitamin B3 is one of the eight water-soluble B vitamins. It is also known as Niacin. Niacin is derived from two compounds - nicotinic acid and niacin amide.
Its mild deficiency slows down the metabolism.
This results in low tolerance to cold. Severe deficiency of Niacin causes the disease pellagra.
Niacin is important for ridding the body of harmful and toxic compounds.
Niacin has effect on the hormone glands of the body and helps in their healthy condition for the normal healthy life.
In human body the amino acid tryptophan can be converted into niacin.
Niacin improves circulation and cell respiration. Apart from being a memory enhancer it helps in treatment of mental illness and schizophernia.
Corn is low in niacin and in places where corn is the staple food the deficiency of niacin is found.
Shortage of niacin shows symptoms such as loss of appetite, indigestion, diarrhea, depression, dizziness, headaches, insomnia, low blood sugar, fatigue, muscular weakness, limb pains, skin eruptions, canker sores, and inflammation.
 Severe deficiency may cause pellagra, the well known niacin deficiency disease, and is characterized by bilateral dermatitis, diarrhea, and forgetfulness.
Heavy long term dosages have been found to cause liver damage though higher dosages have been found to treat a number of ailments.
Niacin has been found to lower bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol. Niacin has been found to be effective in prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis and heart diseases.
Physician must be consulted before using high doses.
 The best dietary sources of niacin are found in beetroot, yeast, liver, meat, chicken, fish, unrefined cereals except corn, fruits and vegetables.
For more information visit

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) deficiency can cause wrinkles on skin

Vitamin B2 is known as Riboflavin and is water soluble. This vitamin plays a very important role in the cellular process. It is required for energy metabolism. It is a key factor in the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates, proteins and ketone bodies.

In the release of energy from glucose and fatty acids in the mitochondria, Riboflavin is one of the constituent co enzymes. Riboflavin has an important role in the DNA syntheses and red blood cell formation. It is believed that supplement of Riboflavin helps in relieving migraine.

When taken along with food Riboflavin is absorbed in the small intestine. It is found that in empty stomach it is absorbed very poorly. When protein is lost from the body Riboflavin is also lost. Any excess of Riboflavin is excreted in the urine. Riboflavin need increases in the nursing mothers. Riboflavin is useful in prevention and treatment of cataracts and eye ailments.
Riboflavin is helpful in health of mucous membranes.
It is very beneficial to skin, hair and nails.

Deficiency of Riboflavin can be primary or secondary.
The deficiency can lead to inflammation of the mucous membrane, cracked lips and mouth corners and sore throat.
The deficiency can lead to loss of skin tenor and iron deficiency anemia.
The eyes can become bloodshot and sensitive to light.

As riboflavin is excreted easily in urine there in no observed toxicity. However if injected into blood stream in high doses toxicity may occur.

Milk, organ meats, nuts, cheese, eggs, green leafy vegetables, fish, legumes, yeast and almond are good sources of Riboflavin but exposure to light destroys Riboflavin.

Monday, January 19

Vitamin B complex tones up skin health

 The B vitamins are eight in number and are water-soluble vitamins.
They are dispersed through out the body and play important roles in cell metabolism.
Historically, the B vitamins were once referred and classified as vitamin B.
Later on research showed that they are distinct vitamins with different chemical make up but often coexist in the same foods.
Vitamin B complex benefits for skin care and skin health
:Supplements containing all eight of them are generally referred to as a vitamin B complex. Individual B vitamin supplements are referred to by the specific name of each vitamin (e.g. B1, B2, B3 etc ).
They are listed below with the details of their chemical components.
  Vitamin B1(thiamine)
Vitamin B2(riboflavin)
Vitamin B3 (niacin, includes nicotinic acid and nicotinamide)
Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid)
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine,pyridoxal, and pyridoxamine)
Vitamin B7 (biotin, also known as vitamin H)
Vitamin B9 (folic acid)
Vitamin B12 (various cobalamins; commonly cyanocobalamin in vitamin supplements)
B vitamins are essential nutrients for variety of bodily functions like growth, function, disease resistance etc... They play a major role in the enzymatic activities that regulate chemical reactions in the body, turning food into energy and other needed substances.
They promote growth by helping cell division . Supporting and increasing the rate of metabolism, toning up skin and muscle, enhancing immunity, enhancing the functioning of the nervous system and promoting the growth of Red blood cells and hence preventing anemia are the known functions of B vitamins.
B vitamins are water soluble and are to be replenished daily as in excess they are excreted in urine. Deficiency of certain B vitamins may cause anemia, tiredness, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, depression, muscle cramps, respiratory infections, hair loss, eczema, poor growth in children, and birth defects in the fetuses of pregnant women.
Women who are pregnant or breast-feeding require more folic acid as the development of brain in a child depends very much upon its availability in sufficient amounts right from conception to three years of age.
Vegetables, fruits, liver oils, liver, fish, meat, grain products and yeast. Nutritionists recommend that adults over the age of 50 take B vitamin supplements as its deficiency is common in this age group.
All the vitamin of vitamin B complex have immense effect on the maintenance of skin health.
These vitamins make the skin firm, youthful, glossy and protect it from blemishes and diseases. The deficiency of B vitamins can give rise to a myriad of skin problems.
The deficiency of vitamin B complex causes skin diseases like dermatitis (skin inflammation with itch and pain), Cheilosis (cracking of lips and chapping of lips), Skin sensitivity, glossitis (swollen tongue), seborrheic dermatitis (dandruff), angular cheilitis (cracks on the corner of mouth), acne and pimples, white spots on the skin (due to loss of melanin pigment), hair fall and hair loss and skin cancer.
visit for more information.

Saturday, January 17

Vitamins are essential for healthy skin

Vitamins are essential organic compounds required for the healthy function of living organisms.
The biological activity of the organic compounds get them classified into vitamin groups.
In many cases a vitamin may denote a group of organic compounds having similar biological activity and may have different chemical structures.

The essential nutrients like carbohydrates, proteins, fatty acids and dietary minerals are not to be confused and grouped with vitamins. Vitamins function in different roles like antioxidants, enzymes, co-enzymes, hormones and catalysts. Though the requirement of vitamins and their sources in food were enlisted long back now they are being synthesized commercially. Vitamins are classified into fat soluble and water soluble vitamins.

In human beings of 13 vitamins nine are water soluble and four are fat soluble. The fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K ) are absorbed, stored and accumulated in the body, where as water soluble vitamins are readily absorbed and readily excreted. This property of these vitamins requires our consistent intake. The deficiency of vitamins can result in a number of maladies. The primary deficiency occurs when a person is short of vitamins in his food.

In the secondary deficiency due other external factors a person is not able to absorb utilize vitamins. Unless the core problem is resolved the secondary deficiency can lead to irreparable damages. The over dosage of vitamins can also cause problems. This is experienced when vitamins are taken in a supplementary form like tablets. This can be corrected by reducing the dosage.Visit for more information.

Sunday, January 11

antioxidants help in the maintenance of healthy skin

In the normal body functions oxidative reactions occur, giving energy supply. Although oxidative reactions are crucial for life they can also be damaging. These reactions can give rise to free radicals. These free radicals can cause oxidative stress and may damage and even kill cells.

Antioxidants are rich in green tea, aloe vera, garlic, honey, pomegranate, soya beans, spirulina, dates, olive oil, vegetable oils, fish liver oil, yellow orange and red coloured vegetables and fruits, vitamins A, C,E and and minerals like selenium etc.. The use of antioxidants in some health problems is discussed below.

Recent studies show that antioxidants can help relieve allergy symptoms It is found that antioxidants can reduce bronchial and lung damage due to asthma. Migraines are recurrent headaches that are throbbing or pulsating and which usually occur on one side of head. Studies show that certain antioxidants help decrease the severity and frequency of migraine.

Antioxidants have been proven to be beneficial in relieving gum pain gum disease prevention and healing gum disease.
Regular intake of vitamin C and flavonoids can help in inhibition of growth of bacteria Helicobactor pylori, the main cause for peptic ulcers. For further information visit

the super food garlic can prevent skin cancer

Garlic [Allium sativam L ] is a species in the onion family Alliaceae. It is closely related to onion. Garlic is grown globally. The cloves are used for consumption and medicinal purposes both in the raw and the cooked form. The leaves, stem and flowers are also edible and mostly consumed while immature and still tender. The antioxidants present in garlic bind to free-radicals and prevent the damages and diseases caused by free-radicals. The allicin found in garlic has been found to lower blood pressure. The allicin found in garlic is believed to promote weight-loss and hence prevent obesity related diseases. Compounds in garlic have been shown to prevent prostate cancer, skin cancer, colon cancer and breast cancer.
Garlic is believed to help regulate blood sugar levels and found to prevent some complications of diabetes. Garlic has been found to check impotence. Garlic aids in blood circulation and keeps veins arteries in healthy condition. Compounds in garlic stimulate the production of the enzyme called nitric oxide synthase. This enzyme helps in erection. Garlic intake with a high protein diet has been shown to boost testosterone levels. The garlic extract improves immune function giving our natural defense system a boost. Garlic has anti-bacterial and anti- fungal properties. Garlic is used as a treatment for intestinal worms and parasites.
Benefits of garlic in skin care and skin health
Garlic as food for preventing skin cancer: Garlic has become one of the important foods for prevention of skin cancer. Studies have revealed that treating basal skin cancer patients with garlic has pervented the growth of the cancer and reduced the size of the tumors. These cancer curing properties are attributed to garlic's antibacterial properties, its ability in blocking the production of cancer inducing substances, its ability to halt the activities of the carcenogens, its antioxidant properties, its role in DNA repair and its ability to stop malignant cell proliferation and to induce cancer cell death. Thus galic has become a very ideal food in prevention of skin cancer.
For further information visit

the super food pomegranate for fairness of skin

The pomegranate is the fruit of a fruit bearing shrub[ Punica granatum ] native to northern India and near by regions. Pomegranate is now cultivated through out the world except the cold regions.

Pomegranate has high nutritional and medicinal values. Pomegranate Ariel juice is rich in vitamin C, vitamin B complex, potassium and antioxidant poly phenols. Hydrolysable tannins are the most abundant poly phenols present. They have free-radical binding properties. Taking pomegranate juice regularly can improve blood flow to the heart by more than a third. Pomegranate juice prevents bad cholesterol from forming and reduces the likelihood of heart attack and stroke.

Pomegranate contains high level of flavenoids- a type of antioxidant- which are exceptionally efficient at neutralizing cancer causing free-radicals. Pomegranate juice is found to destroy breast cancer cells and prevent breast cancer cells from forming.

Pomegranate juice may have anti bacterial effects against dental plaque and may inhibit viral infections. Traditionally pomegranate is believed to add fairness to the skin.

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