Saturday, December 19

Milia treatment - milk spots cure - prevent milia

Overview > Causes, signs and symptoms > Milia treatment, cure and how to prevent milia
Milia treatment and cure in newborn babies is to keep the infant clean and well-fed and wait for the baby milk spots to cure by themselves.
Milia are harmless and may take long time to resolve in adults and in some cases may not resolve at all.
Fresh milia milk spots may appear again.
For aesthetic appearance if the affected individual wishes, the milia can removed.
In adults milia treatment, if required, is by exfoliation, dermabrasion, electrodesication, cryosurgery or simply removing the contents by incision and extraction.
Milia treatment and cure by exfoliation
There are a number of exfoliating creams and ointments available.
You can apply once in a day before going to bed.
 In some individuals these creams can cause rash like symptoms and take care to test the suitability of the cream for the treatment by applying it on a small area on your arm.
Alpha Hydroxy Acids containing creams and vitamin A derivative creams have been found to be effective.
Alternately dab and hold a fairly warm towel on the face for 5 minutes to moisten it and make it fairly warm.
This soaks up and softens the milk spots.
Keeping the face moist and warm use a exfoliating scrub to remove surface debris on the skin.
By this treatment the skin covering may loosen and open, causing the contents to come out.
Continue this treatment once in two days till all the milk spots resolve.
The skin on the eyelids is very delicate; take care not to injure it in scrubbing.
Microdermabrasion for the treatment and cure of milia
This is the procedure used in beauty parlours and beauty spas. It is better to have this procedure done by a trained Aesthetician.
Earlier abrasive crystals or wands having rough surface were used. With the advent of technology nowadays a variety of machines are available for microdermabrasion.
Effectiveness varies from person to person and machine to machine. As this procedure is usually priced high think twice before going in for this.
Milia treatment and cure by extraction
It will be better if this is done by a trained aesthetician or a dermatologist.
Face is first cleaned and dabbed with warm face cloth.
With sterile needle the centre of the bump is punctured and a small opening is made.
A gentle squeeze on the spot is made with a suitable forecep (made for such purposes) and the contents are removed. Some antiseptic cream is applied on the cut and it heals in a day or two.
Dermatologists sometime use electrodesication or cryosurgery for the treatment of milk spots.
How to prevent milia
In adults taking certain precautions one can prevent milk spots.
Use only tested skin care products from reputed manufacturers.
Avoid heavy makeup and do not smother the skin with heavy comedogenic lotions and face creams.
To prevent milk spots avoid prolonged sun exposure. If required to go out in the sun, use effective and light sunscreen.
If you are getting milk spots afresh, try periodical exfoliation to prevent milia from forming.
Take medical advice if milk spots are chronic as it could be due to some underlying disease or due to hereditary factor.
Hence for adults milia treatment and cure is possible and by taking precautions it is possible to prevent milia.

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