Saturday, July 31

Homemade face moisturizer recipes

Homemade face moisturizer recipes
Homemade face moisturizer recipes are less expensive and easy to make from the ingredients available at home. Skin, especially of face, naturally contains water for remaining soft, supple, healthy and glowing.
However many factors act on it continuously, disturbing its hydrated condition and making it to dry up and shrivel.

To protect the water content of skin and to replace and top up the loss we require to apply moisturizers which can be homemade following the recipe directions. For being effective, ingredients of homemade face moisturizers should penetrate the skin and show all emollient functions like providing protective oil layer on the skin surface, increase water retaining capacity of the epidermis and add glide across the face skin.

Application method for all face moisturizer recipes

  • Take specified quantities of ingredients.
  • Mix and blend the ingredients given below.
  • Always apply moisturizer after a bath or shower.
  • Apply on previously cleansed and slightly damp face.
  • Allow it to remain for 15 minutes and wash off the excess of moisturizer with tepid water.
  • Dab the skin and immediately apply a few drops of olive oil or vegetable oil to lock in moisture.
  • Applying twice daily gives good results.
  • As a rule apply face moisturizer before going to bed, giving skin sufficient time to take in moisture without stress.
  • Use freshly prepared cream.
  • Apply gently with circular motions into face skin.

Homemade face moisturizer recipe for normal skin

  • Olive oil recipe

  • Olive oil1 tablespoon
    Castor oil¼ tablespoon
    water1 tablespoon

  • Olive oil and honey moisturizer

  • olive oil1 tablespoon
    Castor oil¼ tablespoon
    pure honey¼ tablespoon

  • Honey, yogurt and egg albumen recipe

  • honey1 tablespoon
    yogurt2 tablespoons
    egg white
    1 tablespoon

  • Honey and glycerin homemade moisturizer

  • honey2 tablespoons
    glycerin2 tablespoons
    witch hazel1 tablespoon

  • Cocoa butter and egg-yolk recipe

  • cocoa butter
    2 tablespoons
    egg-yolkfrom one egg
    lemon juice2 tablespoons

    Face moisturizer recipe for dry skin and combination skin

  • Olive oil and almonds

  • olive oil2 tablespoons
    Castor oil¼ tablespoon
    almond paste2 tablespoons
    water2 tablespoons

  • Aloe Vera and coconut oil recipe

  • aloe Vera gel2 tablespoons
    coconut oil2 tablespoons
    water2 tablespoons

  • Jojoba oil and coconut oil homemade moisturizer

  • jojoba oil2 tablespoons
    coconut oil2 tablespoons
    Castor oil½ tablespoon
    water2 tablespoons

  • Beewax and Shea butter recipe

  • beeswax
    2 tablespoons
    Shea butter
    2 tablespoons
    coconut oil1 tablespoon
    water1 tablespoon

  • Pineapple juice and olive oil

  • Pineapple
    raw juice
    2 tablespoons
    olive oil2 tablespoons

    Homemade face moisturizer recipe for oily skin

  • Honey and apple juice

  • honey1 tablespoon
    apple juice
    2 tablespoons
    lemon juice1 tablespoon

  • Honey and watermelon juice recipe

  • honey2 tablespoons
    2 tablespoons
    lemon juice1 tablespoon

  • Honey and avocado homemade moisturizer

  • honey2 tablespoons
    avocado pulp2 tablespoons
    lemon juice1 tablespoon

  • Papaya and lemon juice

  • Papaya paste2 tablespoons
    lemon juice2 tablespoons

  • Aloe Vera and rose water homemade moisturizer

  • aloe Vera juice2 tablespoons
    rose water2 tablespoons
    glycerin1 tablespoon

    Beeswax, olive oil, coconut oil, Castor oil, almond oil, Shea butter, cocoa butter, avocado oil, jojoba oil, raw fruit juices and pulps, distilled water, honey, aloe Vera gel and juice, milk and yogurt are some of the popular and useful ingredients used in homemade face moisturizer recipe.
    Current topic: Recipes - Homemade face moisturizers.

    1 comment:

    1. Great list- I love how there aren't very many ingredients in these. I am going to try them out! Thanks a lot!
