Friday, August 27

Treatment for dry skin

Dry skin treatment
Treatment of dry skin condition is very important as, if neglected, it can lead to chronic dermatitis. For dry skin treatment, the basic problems in hydration of stratum corneum layer of epidermis and in the production of sebum have to be addressed.
The process of hydration makes the stratum corneum layer hold sufficient water to make the skin supple and healthy.

The sebum produced by the sebaceous glands also fills up the intercellular spaces within the stratum corneum and adds to the smoothness and glide of the epidermis. Any disturbance or damage to the above processes leads to dry conditions known as xeroderma requiring proper care and corrective measures.

Balanced food for dry skin treatment

When any nutritional deficiency is experienced by the body, sebum production, stratum corneum hydration and shedding of dead cells (desquamation) are affected.
  • Correction in sebum production and dehydration starts with eating nutritious food.
  • Eat food rich in proteins of both plant and animal origin.
  • Food must contain complete protein (containing all the essential amino acids).
  • This can be achieved by adding some quantities of animal sources of proteins like egg, fish, dairy products and lean meat to your diet.
  • Avoid taking excess of sugars, sugar preparations, soft drinks, sweets and other junk food.
  • Avoid saturated fats as much as possible.
  • Include polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats moderately.
  • Your food must contain essential fatty acids, omega-6 fatty acid and omega-3 fatty acid (olive oil, fish and fish oil) in required proportions and quantities.
  • Take lots of fibrous food to avoid constipation, as toxins released by constipated material in bowl can cause dry skin and other problems requiring treatment.
  • Eat food rich in micronutrients like dietary minerals and vitamins, as their deficiencies can cause dehydration and reduced sebum production.
  • Take supplements if necessary to bridge the nutritional deficiencies.
  • Drink plenty of water to keep the epidermal and body cells sufficiently hydrated.
  • Up to one liter of safe drinking water is recommended for every 20 kg of body weight per day.
  • Cut down on smoking and alcohol as both are found to aggravate the dry condition.
  • Nicotine and alcohol constrict capillaries in the skin and cut down its blood supply.
  • Caffeine and alcohol, having diuretic effect, remove water from the body and cause further problems.
  • Treat dry skin by protecting it from environmental factors

    Protect yourself from long exposure to sun, strong winds, cold weather and rain as such exposures can further disturb your natural protective epidermis layer. Sun exposure for a long duration dehydrates the stratum corneum and causes oxidative damage to epidermis. Avoid exposure to strong winds, hot winds and cold climate for longer duration as the water in the stratum corneum is very quickly lost into the atmosphere.

    If you are using air-conditioning or room heater, the enclosed air tends to become very dry. Install a room humidifier to protect your epidermis from further dehydration. Getting drenched in rain or swimming in a pool, though soaks up your skin initially, affects the lipid stacking holding the moisture in stratum corneum leading to dehydrated epidermal conditions. For treatment of xerosis of hands and restoration of moisture use of gloves in kitchen chores and washing will help.

    Baths and showers

  • Take bath with lukewarm water; bathing with hot water or cold water further aggravates the dry skin condition.
  • Do not take bath more than once a day. Make the bath as short as possible.
  • Avoid using chlorinated water for bath as chlorine further removes moisture from epidermis.
  • Use only neutral pH bath soaps. Do not use alkaline soaps as they destroy the acid mantle of the epidermis.
  • Soon after bath apply moisturizers to hold back the moisture.
  • Harsh chemicals and cosmetics

    May be your skin problem is due to cosmetics you use. Avoid cosmetics with chemicals as your problem may be due to some of the ingredients in them. Only go in for cosmetics specially made for dry conditions and prefer cosmetics containing natural products and herbal products. For treatment of dehydrated epidermis use cosmetics containing natural products like aloe vera, olive oil, honey, calendula, oatmeal, tea tree oil, beeswax, and almond oil, which are soothing and beneficial for the skin.

    For dry skin treatment, exfoliate, cleanse and moisturize

    Cleanse your face daily to remove makeup, grime, scales and cell debris. This may be preferably done before going to bed. For treatment of dry skin, moisturize your face every day before going to bed and also when you go out. Exfoliate at least once a week as skin desquamation process remains disturbed in dehydrated condition. Apply sunscreen to protect from further damage by UV rays in sunlight.

    For treatment for dry skin change lifestyle

    Have regular food habits as our body is naturally tuned for it. Erratic food habits not only lead to dehydration of epidermis but many other serious problems. Sleep sufficiently, as much of the cellular repair process takes place during sleep. Exercise regularly to tone up the muscles and increase blood circulation. Good blood flow repairs the damages to skin and increases the cell division for replacing the damaged stratum corneum with healthy and hydrated one.

    Treatment of skin ailments and other diseases reduces dry conditions

    Do not neglect ailments like itch without visible rash, eczema, dermatitis, contact dermatitis, seborrhea, open sores and cuts from scratching and psoriasis. Start immediate treatment by consulting a dermatologist to avoid further aggravation of dry condition. For treatment of dry skin due to hypothyroidism take hormone supplements only under the advice of qualified health care consultant.

    Treatment for diabetes, cures the dry skin condition arising due to chronic diabetes. For treatment of dry conditions due to hereditary diseases like ichthyosis, consult a dermatologist who may prescribe medication to alleviate the condition. Do not neglect dry skin, as over a period the condition worsens with bleeding and infection of the skin requiring prolonged treatment.

    Current topic: Dry skin treatment

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