Monday, February 16

Telogen effluvium regrowth - Telogen effluvium recovery

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Telogen effluvium (TE) type of hair loss in most cases is temporary and need no special treatment. The typical sign of telogen shedding is the presence of barely perceptible follicular bulb at the end of most of the shed hair strands.
There is diffuse shedding all over the scalp. Telogen effluvium is self-correcting and complete recovery and regrowth is possible. However the time taken for the recovery and regrowth varies widely among individuals. The telogen effluvium can be acute or chronic.

Acute telogen effluvium

Normally an individual loses between 50 to 100 strands in a day. Acute telogen effluvium may begins relatively abruptly with drastic increase in shedding. The increased shedding may start two to three months after the initiating episode. In worst cases even up to 70% of the strands may be lost. However there is no risk of balding. The typical decrease in shedding and the recovery and and regrowth may commence by about six months. There is a 95% chance of complete recovery from the acute telogen hair loss. Identifying the triggers and taking corrective measures may speed up recovery and regrowth as well as reduce the risk of recurrence.

Chronic telogen effluvium

For patients with chronic telogen hair loss, it is very difficult to predict the time frame for recovery and regrowth. The mental stress created by the chronic condition adds to the hair loss problem. Patients with chronic loss require a lot of reassurance. It is very difficult to see the light at the end of the tunnel as the recovery and regrowth in chronic cases are very gradual processes, may sometimes take years. Whatever form of telogen loss occurs, it is fully reversible and complete regrowth is possible.

Managing telogen effluvium

Analyzing the causative factors and triggers can help us in the better management of TE loss and also help in recovery and regrowth.
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Some common triggering factors are:
  • acute illness,
  • chemotherapy,
  • hemodialysis,
  • surgery,
  • extreme physical or mental stress,
  • extensive dental procedures,
  • acute malnutrition,
  • eating disorders,
  • rapid weight loss,
  • substantial blood loss,
  • anaphylactic reaction,
  • childbirth (postpartum),
  • miscarriage,
  • sleep-deprivation,
  • crash dieting and
  • commencement or cessation of hormonal therapy.
Use of contraceptives, certain antibiotics, anti-androgen medications, anticoagulants, antidepressants and anticonvulsants are known to cause telogen hair loss. The withdrawal of the inducing factors helps recovery and regrowth. In individuals with genetic predisposition for androgenetic alopecia, a bout of TE may induce or trigger androgenetic alopecia. In nutritional deficiency caused shedding, recovery and regrowth can be induced by supplementing the deficient nutrient.

Leading a relaxed life, sleeping well, taking balanced food and exercising regularly can reduce telogen hair loss and speed up recovery and regrowth.

Related topics in natural skin care:
1.Whiting, DA. Chronic telogen effluvium: Increased scalp hair shedding in middle-aged women. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 35(6): 899-906 ,1996.
Interesting topics in natural skin care:
Current topic in natural skin care: Telogen effluvium regrowth and recovery.

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