Friday, October 30

Skin care - Olive oil nutrition facts

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Exceptional nutrition benefits of olive oil are the presence of high levels of monounsaturated fatty acids, vitamin E and vitamin K.
Olive oil is the main oil ingredient in the food of people of the Mediterranean region. Studies have revealed that heart ailments are comparatively low in this region.

This is attributed to the presence of nearly 73% monounsaturated fatty acids and the antioxidants like vitamin E in the olive extract. Though the exact composition of it varies in respect to extraction process, harvesting time, maturity of the fruits, altitude, region and the genetic line of the trees, the following nutrients are present in approximate values for 100 gms (109 ml).

Olive oil nutrition facts

Nutrients factsAmount in 100gms
Energy890 kcal
Total fats (lipids)100.0 gms
Total saturated fatty acids14.0 gms
Total monounsaturated fatty acids73.0 gms
Total polyunsaturated fatty acids10.5 gms
Phytosterols221.0 mg
Vitamin E (tocopherol)14.4 mg
Vitamin K (phylloquinone)60.0 mcg
Total choline0.3 mg
Betaine0.1 mg
Calcium1.0 mg
Iron0.6 mg
Potassium1.0 mg
Sodium2.0 mg

Facts on the role of fatty acids in olive oil for nutrition and cholesterol management

Saturated fatty acids increase the blood cholesterol levels (both high-density lipoprotein and low-density lipoprotein). The increase in LDL cholesterol leads to artery clogging and heart disease. Monounsaturated fatty acids help in reducing the LDL and increasing HDL. High HDL levels help in removing artery blocks and help in preventing heart disease. Polyunsaturated fatty acids lower both HDL and LDL. The lowering of HDL has adverse effects.

Facts on olive oil role in increasing HDL

The high levels of monounsaturated fatty acids present help in increasing the HDL and lowering the LDL. The facts are that in nutrition remove the deposits on the artery walls allowing better blood flow. The lowering of LDL prevents deposits on the artery walls. Thus olive oil nutrition proves very beneficial for heart care.

Facts on olive oil nutrition increasing antioxidant activity

The high content of vitamin E (a potent antioxidant) and phytonutrients like flavonoids and polyphenols gives a big role in reducing free radical activity. Our body gets protection from oxidative damages which cause many diseases and ageing.

Facts on limitations in olive oil nutrition

The quality of the olive oil is of prime importance. Only 'extra virgin olive oil' is rich in nutrition values. Other label terms like 'pure olive oil', 'refined ' and 'high quality' are misleading terms and facts and the product may not give us the expected benefits. Application for skin nutrition may be avoided by persons affected by tinea versicolor fungal infection as this fungus grows well in it.

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