Thursday, February 28

Makeup application tips

Home > Makeup application tips
The application of makeup is an art by itself and 'makeup tips and tricks' is a great subject to be learnt.
Home > List of skin diseases
There are hundreds of skin diseases (dermatoses) afflicting humans. The integumentary system may be afflicted by many dermatoses as well as nonpathologic states.
Though some require a visit to a dermatologist, many of them resolve by themselves. In many nonpathologic states of integumentary system, underlying etiologies and pathogenetics are often not known. Morphological symptoms can occur as macules, papules or vesicles. Coloration may range from red, blue, brown, black, white or yellow. As dermatoses have different causes, their classification is usually based on location, morphology, etiology and coloration. The most important dermatoses and nonpathologic states are listed below.

List of skin diseases due to nutritional deficiency

Dermal haemorrhages, corkscrew like hair, reddish bruise-like spots (scurvy - vitamin C deficiency)
Depigmentation of hair, dry and scaly epidermis (vitamin A deficiency)
Dry scaly and cracked dermis due to pellagra (vitamin B3 deficiency)
Sores and cracks on the corner of mouth and lips (vitamin B2 deficiency)
Hyperpigmentation, scaly, greasy or dry rash (vitamin B6 deficiency)
Acral dermatitis (zinc, biotin, protein, or essential fatty acid deficiency )

List of dermal fungal infections

Pityriasis versicolor
Thrush (Candida albicans)
Ringworm of the groin (Tinea cruris)
Athlete's foot
Ringworm on the body (Tinea corporis)
Ringworm of the scalp (Tinea capitis)

Viral diseases of skin

Smallpox (Variola)
Chickenpox (Varicella)
Measles (Rubeola)
Rubella (German measles)
erythema infectiosum
Type 1 Herpes simplex virus (Cold sores)
Type 2 Herpes simplex virus (Genital herpes)
Shingles (Herpes Zoster)

List of bacterial infections of skin

Cellulitis infections
Methicillin (meticillin) resistant Staph. aureus
Tropical pyomyositis
Cutaneous Anthrax
Skin Abscesses
Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome

List of skin diseases of systemic infections

Chicken pox

List of nail infections

Tinea unguium (Onychomycosis)
Brittle Splitting Nails (Onychoschizia)
Nail Bed Injuries
Psoriatic Nails
Ingrown Toenail
Bacterial Nail Infection (Paronychia)

List of diseases of hair

Ingrown Hair

List of congenital skin diseases

Acrodermatitis enteropathica
Congenital atopic eczema
Congenital hemangioma
Nevus flammeus
Congenital ichthyosis
Congenital psoriasis
Epidermolysis bullosa
Harlequin icthyosis
Hereditary hyperbilirubinemia
Keratosis follicularis
Mongolian spot
Pseudoxanthoma elasticum
Urticaria pigmentosa
Verrucous vascular malformation
Discoloration dermatitis

List of skin diseases due to hormonal effects

Hyperpigmentation (Addison's disease)
Acne, pimples, blackheads
Dry itchy skin in menopause
Alopecia and male baldness
Dermatitis due to hypersensitivity
Contact dermatitis
Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema)
Rashes and inflammation
Angioedema (Swelling)
Acute urticaria

Dermatoses and nonpathologic states may affect one or more parts of the integumentary system such as epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous tissue, hair, nails, eccrine glands, apocrine glands, arrector pili muscles and nerve cells and vascular networks. Timely treatment is the best solution in most of the cases.
Current topic:
List of skin diseases. Many professional training institutions have sprung up giving exclusive training in makeup application to beginners as well as professional artists. However, the same art of makeup and its tips can be learnt at home by right inclination and intelligence.

Makeup application can be learnt step by step to give yourself a good and stunning look. As you progress in application techniques, you will gain confidence. You can evolve your own methods and can come up with new findings and tips.

Tips on preparation for makeup application

To achieve an impeccable look you will have to prepare your face before makeup application. You must have well moisturized face to commence with. Regular washing, cleansing, exfoliating and moisturizing are among the secret tips to keep your skin soft and supple. Blemishes also fade so that you will be requiring lesser concealer and foundation application.

Tips on applications for dry skin: If you are having dry skin, moisturize daily. If it is flaky use a facial scrub before moisturizing. For oily skin blot the oil, use a facial mask and then cleanse and moisturize. Tone your face with a toner, which as a mild exfoliate, helps to remove dirt and oil which was missed in the wash.

If your lips are cracked, dry or flaky, use petroleum jelly regularly to make them soft and supple. After Vaseline application, you can scrub your lip gently with a soft tooth brush in circular motion to exfoliate any dead skin.

If you intend using fingers tips during makeup, take care to wash your hands preferably with an antibacterial gel, so that the products are not contaminated. When you use water for dipping brush etc, try using distilled water or boiled and cooled water for the reasons mentioned above. Storing your makeup products in refrigerator for sometimes before application can make the application easier.

Face makeup application tips

10-15 minutes after application of moisturizer, you can start makeup. As concealer and foundation may settle and accumulate in fine lines, large pores and wrinkles, use makeup primer to even out the skin, specially in wrinkle areas. Further it will allow your makeup to stay on longer and fresher. You can use suitable makeup brush or use finger tips to smear primer evenly on the face, with upward strokes and circular motion.
For oily skin there are specific primers products available. Of late, for oily skin, Milk of Magnesia (actually an oral laxative) is being successfully used as makeup primer by makeup enthusiasts and innovators.

For the makeup to stay longer, start spreading concealer before the primer totally dries up or soaks into the skin.The next step in makeup is using concealer to conceal blemishes, fine lines, dark circles and red areas. Next step is application of foundation and take care not to infringe into hairline. Use foundation sparingly to avoid cake face and start application from the center of face and move outward. You can blend the foundation after your eye makeup. Once the eye makeup is over, remove the extra concealer below the eyes with a tissue. This will also remove the shadow fallen during the eye makeup.

Now the toughest and the most skillful part of makeup is to be done i.e., blending, highlighting and shading. Blend the foundation with a sponge or brush. Carefully blend the visible lines and remove cakey appearance, if any. Blend the foundation up to the hairline and just below chin to avoid any obvious makeup lines. Use highlighter to highlight the "T" of your face i.e., cheek bones, forehead and bridge of nose.

Next you can smear blush on the apple of your cheeks and the hollow of your cheek bones and blend it subtly. Finally you can set your face makeup with sparing use of translucent compact or loose powder. Powder, apart from holding the foundation in place makes makeup to last longer.

Eye makeup application tips

Spread extra concealer under your eyes in the dark circle area. Use eyebrow pencil or shadow to fill the eyebrows. This must be done carefully so that the eyebrows must look full, but not painted up.

Then comes the turn of eye shadow. A symmetrical face is more attractive and you can use eye shadow to conceal structural defects of your face and give it a symmetrical look. One of secret makeup application tips for eyes set far apart is using darker shadow on the inside of the eyes (near nose) and using lighter shadow on the outer corner of the eyes. The tip for close set eyes is just the opposite of the procedure for the eyes set apart.

For magazine covers and dramatic looks, contrasting dark and light shadows may look good. However to appear natural avoid highly contrasting shades. Another tip in makeup application is that neutral colors with subtle dark and light shadow colors will look more natural. Use darker color near the lashes and lighter color near the brow bone. Blend and transition subtly from the darker to lighter area.

Use a eyeliner (either pencil or liquid) to define your eyes keeping to lash-line as far as possible. For more smoother and natural look, refrain from drawing one single line instead draw short dashes. One of best effects tips is to make the line a little thicker in the center, thinning out and disappearing into the corners.

Separate the eye lashes with the help of eyelash separator or a tooth brush. Now you can use mascara on both the lashes preferably as two coats.

Lips makeup application tips

A tip to complement makeup application is prior exfoliation and moisturization. Line your lips with lip liner of same color as your lipstick. The best color is the color of your finger tips when squeezed. If the lipstick and lip liner are of different colors, your lips will look odd when the lip makeup application wears off. Avoid lining much outside the lips as it may look clownish. Fill the lip area with lipstick evenly, if necessary using a fine brush. Lip gloss may be used over lipstick to make it stay on for longer time.
Current topic in Dynamic Nature Skin Care:
Makeup application tips

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