Wednesday, February 27

Does honey help acne - Manuka honey for acne treatment

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Can manuka honey help acne?
There are conflicting views about its help in the treatment of acne.
The lingering doubts in the minds of would be users are "why use honey for acne?", "does manuka honey really help in the treatment?" and "does sugar in honey worsen the case ?" First we have to understand what acne is and also the physical, chemical and treatment potential of manuka honey to correlate with scientific findings.

What is acne?

Acne is a skin condition faced by most of the teens and the exact cause of acne is not fully understood. There is no permanent treatment for it. Acne is a skin condition wherein the tiny pores connecting the hair follicles to the skin surface get clogged. The reason behind this clogging is the excess sebum production by the sebaceous glands. Added to this clogging, bacterial (Propionibacterium acnes) growth, insufficient desquamation of the outer layer of epidermis (Stratum corneum), collection of skin debris and dirt, block the pore and cause comedone (acne). Any one can get acne and areas of high oil gland activity like face, neck, chest and back are the most affected. Acne triggering factors include hormonal imbalance, harsh chemicals and environmental elements and general stress. Many homemade skin treatments help in alleviating the acne conditions.

What is manuka honey?

For centuries honey has been used in treatment of many diseases. However its anti-bacterial activity differs greatly from sample to sample. Manuka honey is found to have exceptionally high antibacterial activity. It is made by the honeybees from the nectar of manuka tree (Leptospermum scoparium). This tree is a native of New Zealand and southeast Australia. Manuka tree is an ever green scrub-type tree wildly growing through out New Zealand. Manuka honey is dark colored, distinctly flavored with rich taste.

Therapeutic values of manuka honey help acne treatment

High osmolality (supersaturation) of manuka honey with sugars makes it a difficult medium for acne bacteria to thrive on. The growth of microorganisms is inhibited on application as it lacks free water. Skin moisture and acne exudation, help and set in motion glucose oxidase enzyme reaction and the resultant hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) production. Slow release of H2O2 provide antimicrobial activity without damage to living tissue. It helps in partial oxidation of clogging materials and the emptying of the contents of comedone. Moreover, in the event of removal of hydrogen peroxide activity, antimicrobial activity is still present and it is traced to the presence of high levels of antibacterial phyto-chemicals. It is now known that this non hydrogen peroxide antibacterial activity is due to combined action of methylglyoxal (MGO or C3H4O2), the aldehyde form of pyruvic acid, and also a synergistic component which is still to be identified. The presence of this synergist helps in more than doubling the antimicrobial activity of methylglyoxal and in turn help in treatment.

Some factors in this product have been found to help immune response by stimulating phagocyte and lymphocyte activity of white blood cells. It helps and promotes rapid healing with minimal scar tissue formation. It has been found to help in destroying bacteria like Staphylococcus aureus, Eschericihia coli and Enterococci.

How does manuka honey help in acne treatment

Honey produced from the nectar of manuka trees is tested for antimicrobial activity and given a potency rating called Unique Manuka Factor (UMF). The higher the UMF value, the greater is antimicrobial activity level and effective treatment. For best results manuka product with a rating of UMF 10 or higher is advised. Further UMF graded product is also sterilized by gamma radiation without losing any antimicrobial activity. It loses hydrogen peroxide producing enzyme when heated or exposed to light losing the efficacy for treatment.

Some homemade manuka honey recipes for acne treatment

Application of manuka honey is recommended for acne as such or in combination with other acne care products. Always check your skin sensitivity for every product before face application and treatment. You can apply the product on the inside of your forearm and wait for two hours. If there is no irritation, rash or itch, you can go ahead with the treatment. If there is any reaction, then refrain from using the product.

Direct applications help in acne treatment

Wash your face with mild soap and dab it dry with clean towel. Apply directly on the face as a thin film. If it is the second application for the day, you may apply only on the affected spots. Wait for one hour and rinse your face with warm water. You can also apply and leave it over night. Take care as it may stick on to pillow and hair. You can wash with mild soap in the morning. Regular application helps in reducing the inflammation and bring down fresh incidence of acne. If you come across flare-up, discontinue the treatment immediately.

Manuka honey and cinnamon masks helps in acne treatment

You can take Cinnamon powder in a bowl and add manuka honey in sufficient quantity to make it into a paste. Wash your face in warm water with mild soap. Dab it dry with clean towel. Now apply the mask evenly on the face. After waiting for one hour you can wash it clean. This helps oily skin. You can continue the treatment for two or three weeks by which time acne incidences will come down.

Manuka honey and oatmeal helps in acne treatment

You can add it to oatmeal in a bowl. Blend well. You may also grind oatmeal before adding. Wash your face well with mild soap in warm water. Dab your face dry with a clean towel. Apply this mask evenly and wait for 30 minutes. Then wash and rinse your face. This helps oily skin. Continue treatment till acne resolves.

Manuka honey and lemon juice helps in acne treatment

Lemon and manuka make a good combination which helps in face oil removal and control and also exfoliation. Wash your face with clean and warm water using a mild soap. Dab your face dry with a clean towel. Apply the mixture evenly on the skin and wait for thirty minutes. Wash your face well to remove the application. You can continue the treatment till the acne resolve.
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Author: Gerald.w
Current topic:
Does honey help acne? - Manuka honey acne treatment

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