Tuesday, February 26

Honey for acne scars - Honey mask for acne

Home > Honey mask for acne - Honey for acne scars
Can honey mask treat acne scars?
Acne and its scars can be treated with honey, if control measures are undertaken early.
Acne scars affect 30% of those with moderate or severe incidence. Honey has antibacterial activity. To reduce the chances for getting scars, treatment with honey must be taken up early. Deep seated scars do not completely disappear with honey treatment although they may fade to some extent with time.

There are many expensive conventional treatments available for acne scars like dermabrasion, subcision, silicone gel dressings, cryotherapy, surgery and laser resurfacing. Homemade honey mask being the least expensive, can reduce moderate blemishes if treated early.

Formation of acne scars and their types

As a natural process of healing, acne scars are formed. In the biological process of wound repairs, disfigurements are formed as part of healing. Acne initially goes through inflammatory process followed by follicular rupture. Then there is perifollicular abscess formation. This is followed by healing process.

Healing process involves inflammation, granulation tissue formation and matrix remodeling. Holland et al in their study have found that in persons with severe acne disfigurements the inflammatory reaction was slower, stronger and had a longer duration when compared to persons who did not develop scars. Hence it was inferred that treating inflammations early may be the correct approach for preventing scars.

Though the new tissue is collagen protein, its fiber composition and alignment is different from that of damaged original protein of the tissue. Hence it stands out differently from the rest of the skin. If the hair follicles, sweat glands and sebaceous glands are damaged they do not grow back within the new tissue. The depth and size of acne impacts the characteristics of the acne scars types. In the result of wound healing there will be net gain or loss of collagen protein. If the scars are associated with loss of collagen, they are called atrophic scars and are further sub-grouped into 'ice pick', 'boxcar', and 'rolling' scars. If the scars are associated with excess collagen deposition, they are hypertrophic and typically appear firm, raised and reddish, purple or pink in color.

Role of honey mask in acne treatment

Honey mask is a good homemade face moisturizer. Active manuka honey is the honey of choice for treating the blemishes. The high sugar osmolality (supersaturation) of honey mask makes it a difficult medium for bacteria to thrive in. The lack of 'free' water in the mask inhibits the growth of microorganisms. Honey is exceptionally high in antibacterial activity. slow release hydrogen peroxide activity of honey mask provides this antimicrobial activity without damage to the living tissue. There is also oxidation of the clogging materials which leads their emptying on the skin surface. Manuka honey particularly has high levels of non-peroxide antimicrobial activity traced to its high levels of antibacterial phytochemicals, methylglyoxal (MGO or C3H4O2), the aldehyde form of pyruvic acid. There is also a synergistic component (yet to be identified) present in it which doubles the antibacterial activity of methylglyoxal. Honey mask is found to promote rapid healing without disfigurement.

Honey for acne scars

When using any skin care product it always advisable to test whether it causes skin sensitivity. After preparing the mask, apply it on the inside of your forearm and wait for two hours. If there is no irritation, inflammation or itch, the mask is safer for facial application. If you get skin irritation or if the skin is sensitive to touch on the test area, refrain from applying the mask.

Plain honey

Wash your face in clean lukewarm water. Use mild soap. After wash dab your face dry with a clean towel without rubbing. Apply honey on the face and wait for one hour. Then wash off the mask and rinse your face well. Continue the honey mask application for a few weeks. It will remove minor disfigurements.

Honey and lemon juice mask

Honey mask with lemon juice combination makes an excellent cleanser and moisturizer. It also removes excess face oil. The proportions can be equal or you may use 1/3 lemon juice. Wash your face with mild soap and dab it dry with a clean towel. Apply and leave the mixture on the face for 30 minutes. Then rinse well and dab your face dry. You can repeat application daily till the scars fade and resolve.

Honey and cinnamon powder mask

Clean your face in lukewarm water using a mild soap. Dab your face with a clean towel. Mix the ingredients well to form a paste. Apply the mask evenly on the face. Wait for one hour and rinse and clean your face. You can repeat it daily till disfigurement fades.

Honey and oatmeal mask for acne

Grind oatmeal into powder. Take ingredients in a bowl and blend to make them into paste. Apply it evenly on your face. Wait for one hour and then wash your face clean. Dab your face with a clean towel. Repeat the honey application daily till the acne fades.

Honey and sandalwood powder mask

Wash your face well with mild soap. Add the ingredients to make a paste. Apply it on your face and wait for 30 minutes. Rinse well to remove the paste. Repeat daily for results.

As said earlier, when you develop acne immediately treat it to reduce inflammation and apply honey so that it does not develop into a scar.
Current topic in The Dynamic Nature Skin Care:
Honey mask for acne - Honey for acne scars

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