Monday, February 25

Natural makeup tips - How to do natural look makeup

Home > How to apply natural look makeup - Natural makeup tips.
To apply makeup is to bring out the best of your natural looks. It is not to hide your natural self and look like somebody else.
Many women hesitate to apply makeup fearing that they may go wrong.

Well it is true that it will take sometime for learning and perfecting the tips about the use of correct products and colors for enhancing your beauty.

For people with skin sensitive to touch, a word of caution. Please consult a dermatologist to find out the cause of skin sensitivity and also test the natural ingredients before use.

On the very outset do not try to doll yourself up for parties and get into frustrations. Till you learn and perfect the art of enhancing your natural beauty by following the tips, leave these special occasions to professional experts. Make a beginning and apply makeup aiming to look natural for evenings and casual outings.

Tips for natural look

One important fact for getting that 'natural look' is to keep your skin healthy. To keep your skin healthy you have to eat healthy balanced food and avoid all junk fast food. Next you have to maintain skin hygiene by cleaning, cleansing, exfoliating and toning regularly with fixed daily and weekly schedules. Apply natural homemade face moisturizers regularly to keep your skin well-hydrated, supple and smooth. If you have skin conditions like acne consult a dermatologist for treatment. If you follow these tips, you will enhance your beauty and will be required to spend less time and money.

Cardinal natural makeup tip: "lesser the better"

Please note that natural look is not "no makeup" look. People must appreciate your beauty and not your makeup. Most important fact for being original is the sparing use of products. You will be required to only remove some extra face oil or conceal some of the blemishes and fine lines.

Tips for best face makeup

Use concealer sparingly to conceal dark circles and blemishes, only if necessary. Then apply the right foundation (which appears to merge with your skin tone) sparingly but blend well to avoid streaks. For making the foundation hold on, apply translucent powder. Lightly apply blush to apple area of your cheek; of course very sparingly.

Natural look tips for eyes

Consider your eye lashes. If they look thick and curled, you have no need of mascara or curling. If the lashes are sparse, very light or short, apply mascara to make them appear darker, thicker and longer. You can use an eye lash curler, if the lashes are very straight. If you apply mascara, for natural look apply colors closer to your lash color.

Apply eye liner very close to your lash line, almost into it and defining your eyes as they are. You may also use eye shadow, but go in for complementing neutral colors.

Tips for lips

Best color for you lips to have an attractive look will be the color of your finger tips when squeezed. You can also apply gloss of same color sparingly on the lip.

Simple makeup is easy to apply, maintain, less time consuming and at the same time brings out your hidden beauty. One most important thing to note is never to go to bed without washing your makeup off if you want to regain your natural look the next morning.
Current topic in dynamic skin care and tips:
How to apply natural look makeup - Natural makeup tips

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