Thursday, February 28

Makeup application tips

Home > Makeup application tips
The application of makeup is an art by itself and 'makeup tips and tricks' is a great subject to be learnt.
Home > List of skin diseases
There are hundreds of skin diseases (dermatoses) afflicting humans. The integumentary system may be afflicted by many dermatoses as well as nonpathologic states.
Though some require a visit to a dermatologist, many of them resolve by themselves. In many nonpathologic states of integumentary system, underlying etiologies and pathogenetics are often not known. Morphological symptoms can occur as macules, papules or vesicles. Coloration may range from red, blue, brown, black, white or yellow. As dermatoses have different causes, their classification is usually based on location, morphology, etiology and coloration. The most important dermatoses and nonpathologic states are listed below.

List of skin diseases due to nutritional deficiency

Dermal haemorrhages, corkscrew like hair, reddish bruise-like spots (scurvy - vitamin C deficiency)
Depigmentation of hair, dry and scaly epidermis (vitamin A deficiency)
Dry scaly and cracked dermis due to pellagra (vitamin B3 deficiency)
Sores and cracks on the corner of mouth and lips (vitamin B2 deficiency)
Hyperpigmentation, scaly, greasy or dry rash (vitamin B6 deficiency)
Acral dermatitis (zinc, biotin, protein, or essential fatty acid deficiency )

List of dermal fungal infections

Pityriasis versicolor
Thrush (Candida albicans)
Ringworm of the groin (Tinea cruris)
Athlete's foot
Ringworm on the body (Tinea corporis)
Ringworm of the scalp (Tinea capitis)

Viral diseases of skin

Smallpox (Variola)
Chickenpox (Varicella)
Measles (Rubeola)
Rubella (German measles)
erythema infectiosum
Type 1 Herpes simplex virus (Cold sores)
Type 2 Herpes simplex virus (Genital herpes)
Shingles (Herpes Zoster)

List of bacterial infections of skin

Cellulitis infections
Methicillin (meticillin) resistant Staph. aureus
Tropical pyomyositis
Cutaneous Anthrax
Skin Abscesses
Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome

List of skin diseases of systemic infections

Chicken pox

List of nail infections

Tinea unguium (Onychomycosis)
Brittle Splitting Nails (Onychoschizia)
Nail Bed Injuries
Psoriatic Nails
Ingrown Toenail
Bacterial Nail Infection (Paronychia)

List of diseases of hair

Ingrown Hair

List of congenital skin diseases

Acrodermatitis enteropathica
Congenital atopic eczema
Congenital hemangioma
Nevus flammeus
Congenital ichthyosis
Congenital psoriasis
Epidermolysis bullosa
Harlequin icthyosis
Hereditary hyperbilirubinemia
Keratosis follicularis
Mongolian spot
Pseudoxanthoma elasticum
Urticaria pigmentosa
Verrucous vascular malformation
Discoloration dermatitis

List of skin diseases due to hormonal effects

Hyperpigmentation (Addison's disease)
Acne, pimples, blackheads
Dry itchy skin in menopause
Alopecia and male baldness
Dermatitis due to hypersensitivity
Contact dermatitis
Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema)
Rashes and inflammation
Angioedema (Swelling)
Acute urticaria

Dermatoses and nonpathologic states may affect one or more parts of the integumentary system such as epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous tissue, hair, nails, eccrine glands, apocrine glands, arrector pili muscles and nerve cells and vascular networks. Timely treatment is the best solution in most of the cases.
Current topic:
List of skin diseases. Many professional training institutions have sprung up giving exclusive training in makeup application to beginners as well as professional artists. However, the same art of makeup and its tips can be learnt at home by right inclination and intelligence.

Makeup application can be learnt step by step to give yourself a good and stunning look. As you progress in application techniques, you will gain confidence. You can evolve your own methods and can come up with new findings and tips.

Tips on preparation for makeup application

To achieve an impeccable look you will have to prepare your face before makeup application. You must have well moisturized face to commence with. Regular washing, cleansing, exfoliating and moisturizing are among the secret tips to keep your skin soft and supple. Blemishes also fade so that you will be requiring lesser concealer and foundation application.

Tips on applications for dry skin: If you are having dry skin, moisturize daily. If it is flaky use a facial scrub before moisturizing. For oily skin blot the oil, use a facial mask and then cleanse and moisturize. Tone your face with a toner, which as a mild exfoliate, helps to remove dirt and oil which was missed in the wash.

If your lips are cracked, dry or flaky, use petroleum jelly regularly to make them soft and supple. After Vaseline application, you can scrub your lip gently with a soft tooth brush in circular motion to exfoliate any dead skin.

If you intend using fingers tips during makeup, take care to wash your hands preferably with an antibacterial gel, so that the products are not contaminated. When you use water for dipping brush etc, try using distilled water or boiled and cooled water for the reasons mentioned above. Storing your makeup products in refrigerator for sometimes before application can make the application easier.

Face makeup application tips

10-15 minutes after application of moisturizer, you can start makeup. As concealer and foundation may settle and accumulate in fine lines, large pores and wrinkles, use makeup primer to even out the skin, specially in wrinkle areas. Further it will allow your makeup to stay on longer and fresher. You can use suitable makeup brush or use finger tips to smear primer evenly on the face, with upward strokes and circular motion.
For oily skin there are specific primers products available. Of late, for oily skin, Milk of Magnesia (actually an oral laxative) is being successfully used as makeup primer by makeup enthusiasts and innovators.

For the makeup to stay longer, start spreading concealer before the primer totally dries up or soaks into the skin.The next step in makeup is using concealer to conceal blemishes, fine lines, dark circles and red areas. Next step is application of foundation and take care not to infringe into hairline. Use foundation sparingly to avoid cake face and start application from the center of face and move outward. You can blend the foundation after your eye makeup. Once the eye makeup is over, remove the extra concealer below the eyes with a tissue. This will also remove the shadow fallen during the eye makeup.

Now the toughest and the most skillful part of makeup is to be done i.e., blending, highlighting and shading. Blend the foundation with a sponge or brush. Carefully blend the visible lines and remove cakey appearance, if any. Blend the foundation up to the hairline and just below chin to avoid any obvious makeup lines. Use highlighter to highlight the "T" of your face i.e., cheek bones, forehead and bridge of nose.

Next you can smear blush on the apple of your cheeks and the hollow of your cheek bones and blend it subtly. Finally you can set your face makeup with sparing use of translucent compact or loose powder. Powder, apart from holding the foundation in place makes makeup to last longer.

Eye makeup application tips

Spread extra concealer under your eyes in the dark circle area. Use eyebrow pencil or shadow to fill the eyebrows. This must be done carefully so that the eyebrows must look full, but not painted up.

Then comes the turn of eye shadow. A symmetrical face is more attractive and you can use eye shadow to conceal structural defects of your face and give it a symmetrical look. One of secret makeup application tips for eyes set far apart is using darker shadow on the inside of the eyes (near nose) and using lighter shadow on the outer corner of the eyes. The tip for close set eyes is just the opposite of the procedure for the eyes set apart.

For magazine covers and dramatic looks, contrasting dark and light shadows may look good. However to appear natural avoid highly contrasting shades. Another tip in makeup application is that neutral colors with subtle dark and light shadow colors will look more natural. Use darker color near the lashes and lighter color near the brow bone. Blend and transition subtly from the darker to lighter area.

Use a eyeliner (either pencil or liquid) to define your eyes keeping to lash-line as far as possible. For more smoother and natural look, refrain from drawing one single line instead draw short dashes. One of best effects tips is to make the line a little thicker in the center, thinning out and disappearing into the corners.

Separate the eye lashes with the help of eyelash separator or a tooth brush. Now you can use mascara on both the lashes preferably as two coats.

Lips makeup application tips

A tip to complement makeup application is prior exfoliation and moisturization. Line your lips with lip liner of same color as your lipstick. The best color is the color of your finger tips when squeezed. If the lipstick and lip liner are of different colors, your lips will look odd when the lip makeup application wears off. Avoid lining much outside the lips as it may look clownish. Fill the lip area with lipstick evenly, if necessary using a fine brush. Lip gloss may be used over lipstick to make it stay on for longer time.
Current topic in Dynamic Nature Skin Care:
Makeup application tips

Wednesday, February 27

Does honey help acne - Manuka honey for acne treatment

Home > Manuka honey helps in acne treatment
Can manuka honey help acne?
There are conflicting views about its help in the treatment of acne.
The lingering doubts in the minds of would be users are "why use honey for acne?", "does manuka honey really help in the treatment?" and "does sugar in honey worsen the case ?" First we have to understand what acne is and also the physical, chemical and treatment potential of manuka honey to correlate with scientific findings.

What is acne?

Acne is a skin condition faced by most of the teens and the exact cause of acne is not fully understood. There is no permanent treatment for it. Acne is a skin condition wherein the tiny pores connecting the hair follicles to the skin surface get clogged. The reason behind this clogging is the excess sebum production by the sebaceous glands. Added to this clogging, bacterial (Propionibacterium acnes) growth, insufficient desquamation of the outer layer of epidermis (Stratum corneum), collection of skin debris and dirt, block the pore and cause comedone (acne). Any one can get acne and areas of high oil gland activity like face, neck, chest and back are the most affected. Acne triggering factors include hormonal imbalance, harsh chemicals and environmental elements and general stress. Many homemade skin treatments help in alleviating the acne conditions.

What is manuka honey?

For centuries honey has been used in treatment of many diseases. However its anti-bacterial activity differs greatly from sample to sample. Manuka honey is found to have exceptionally high antibacterial activity. It is made by the honeybees from the nectar of manuka tree (Leptospermum scoparium). This tree is a native of New Zealand and southeast Australia. Manuka tree is an ever green scrub-type tree wildly growing through out New Zealand. Manuka honey is dark colored, distinctly flavored with rich taste.

Therapeutic values of manuka honey help acne treatment

High osmolality (supersaturation) of manuka honey with sugars makes it a difficult medium for acne bacteria to thrive on. The growth of microorganisms is inhibited on application as it lacks free water. Skin moisture and acne exudation, help and set in motion glucose oxidase enzyme reaction and the resultant hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) production. Slow release of H2O2 provide antimicrobial activity without damage to living tissue. It helps in partial oxidation of clogging materials and the emptying of the contents of comedone. Moreover, in the event of removal of hydrogen peroxide activity, antimicrobial activity is still present and it is traced to the presence of high levels of antibacterial phyto-chemicals. It is now known that this non hydrogen peroxide antibacterial activity is due to combined action of methylglyoxal (MGO or C3H4O2), the aldehyde form of pyruvic acid, and also a synergistic component which is still to be identified. The presence of this synergist helps in more than doubling the antimicrobial activity of methylglyoxal and in turn help in treatment.

Some factors in this product have been found to help immune response by stimulating phagocyte and lymphocyte activity of white blood cells. It helps and promotes rapid healing with minimal scar tissue formation. It has been found to help in destroying bacteria like Staphylococcus aureus, Eschericihia coli and Enterococci.

How does manuka honey help in acne treatment

Honey produced from the nectar of manuka trees is tested for antimicrobial activity and given a potency rating called Unique Manuka Factor (UMF). The higher the UMF value, the greater is antimicrobial activity level and effective treatment. For best results manuka product with a rating of UMF 10 or higher is advised. Further UMF graded product is also sterilized by gamma radiation without losing any antimicrobial activity. It loses hydrogen peroxide producing enzyme when heated or exposed to light losing the efficacy for treatment.

Some homemade manuka honey recipes for acne treatment

Application of manuka honey is recommended for acne as such or in combination with other acne care products. Always check your skin sensitivity for every product before face application and treatment. You can apply the product on the inside of your forearm and wait for two hours. If there is no irritation, rash or itch, you can go ahead with the treatment. If there is any reaction, then refrain from using the product.

Direct applications help in acne treatment

Wash your face with mild soap and dab it dry with clean towel. Apply directly on the face as a thin film. If it is the second application for the day, you may apply only on the affected spots. Wait for one hour and rinse your face with warm water. You can also apply and leave it over night. Take care as it may stick on to pillow and hair. You can wash with mild soap in the morning. Regular application helps in reducing the inflammation and bring down fresh incidence of acne. If you come across flare-up, discontinue the treatment immediately.

Manuka honey and cinnamon masks helps in acne treatment

You can take Cinnamon powder in a bowl and add manuka honey in sufficient quantity to make it into a paste. Wash your face in warm water with mild soap. Dab it dry with clean towel. Now apply the mask evenly on the face. After waiting for one hour you can wash it clean. This helps oily skin. You can continue the treatment for two or three weeks by which time acne incidences will come down.

Manuka honey and oatmeal helps in acne treatment

You can add it to oatmeal in a bowl. Blend well. You may also grind oatmeal before adding. Wash your face well with mild soap in warm water. Dab your face dry with a clean towel. Apply this mask evenly and wait for 30 minutes. Then wash and rinse your face. This helps oily skin. Continue treatment till acne resolves.

Manuka honey and lemon juice helps in acne treatment

Lemon and manuka make a good combination which helps in face oil removal and control and also exfoliation. Wash your face with clean and warm water using a mild soap. Dab your face dry with a clean towel. Apply the mixture evenly on the skin and wait for thirty minutes. Wash your face well to remove the application. You can continue the treatment till the acne resolve.
Image source:
Author: Gerald.w
Current topic:
Does honey help acne? - Manuka honey acne treatment

Tuesday, February 26

Honey for acne scars - Honey mask for acne

Home > Honey mask for acne - Honey for acne scars
Can honey mask treat acne scars?
Acne and its scars can be treated with honey, if control measures are undertaken early.
Acne scars affect 30% of those with moderate or severe incidence. Honey has antibacterial activity. To reduce the chances for getting scars, treatment with honey must be taken up early. Deep seated scars do not completely disappear with honey treatment although they may fade to some extent with time.

There are many expensive conventional treatments available for acne scars like dermabrasion, subcision, silicone gel dressings, cryotherapy, surgery and laser resurfacing. Homemade honey mask being the least expensive, can reduce moderate blemishes if treated early.

Formation of acne scars and their types

As a natural process of healing, acne scars are formed. In the biological process of wound repairs, disfigurements are formed as part of healing. Acne initially goes through inflammatory process followed by follicular rupture. Then there is perifollicular abscess formation. This is followed by healing process.

Healing process involves inflammation, granulation tissue formation and matrix remodeling. Holland et al in their study have found that in persons with severe acne disfigurements the inflammatory reaction was slower, stronger and had a longer duration when compared to persons who did not develop scars. Hence it was inferred that treating inflammations early may be the correct approach for preventing scars.

Though the new tissue is collagen protein, its fiber composition and alignment is different from that of damaged original protein of the tissue. Hence it stands out differently from the rest of the skin. If the hair follicles, sweat glands and sebaceous glands are damaged they do not grow back within the new tissue. The depth and size of acne impacts the characteristics of the acne scars types. In the result of wound healing there will be net gain or loss of collagen protein. If the scars are associated with loss of collagen, they are called atrophic scars and are further sub-grouped into 'ice pick', 'boxcar', and 'rolling' scars. If the scars are associated with excess collagen deposition, they are hypertrophic and typically appear firm, raised and reddish, purple or pink in color.

Role of honey mask in acne treatment

Honey mask is a good homemade face moisturizer. Active manuka honey is the honey of choice for treating the blemishes. The high sugar osmolality (supersaturation) of honey mask makes it a difficult medium for bacteria to thrive in. The lack of 'free' water in the mask inhibits the growth of microorganisms. Honey is exceptionally high in antibacterial activity. slow release hydrogen peroxide activity of honey mask provides this antimicrobial activity without damage to the living tissue. There is also oxidation of the clogging materials which leads their emptying on the skin surface. Manuka honey particularly has high levels of non-peroxide antimicrobial activity traced to its high levels of antibacterial phytochemicals, methylglyoxal (MGO or C3H4O2), the aldehyde form of pyruvic acid. There is also a synergistic component (yet to be identified) present in it which doubles the antibacterial activity of methylglyoxal. Honey mask is found to promote rapid healing without disfigurement.

Honey for acne scars

When using any skin care product it always advisable to test whether it causes skin sensitivity. After preparing the mask, apply it on the inside of your forearm and wait for two hours. If there is no irritation, inflammation or itch, the mask is safer for facial application. If you get skin irritation or if the skin is sensitive to touch on the test area, refrain from applying the mask.

Plain honey

Wash your face in clean lukewarm water. Use mild soap. After wash dab your face dry with a clean towel without rubbing. Apply honey on the face and wait for one hour. Then wash off the mask and rinse your face well. Continue the honey mask application for a few weeks. It will remove minor disfigurements.

Honey and lemon juice mask

Honey mask with lemon juice combination makes an excellent cleanser and moisturizer. It also removes excess face oil. The proportions can be equal or you may use 1/3 lemon juice. Wash your face with mild soap and dab it dry with a clean towel. Apply and leave the mixture on the face for 30 minutes. Then rinse well and dab your face dry. You can repeat application daily till the scars fade and resolve.

Honey and cinnamon powder mask

Clean your face in lukewarm water using a mild soap. Dab your face with a clean towel. Mix the ingredients well to form a paste. Apply the mask evenly on the face. Wait for one hour and rinse and clean your face. You can repeat it daily till disfigurement fades.

Honey and oatmeal mask for acne

Grind oatmeal into powder. Take ingredients in a bowl and blend to make them into paste. Apply it evenly on your face. Wait for one hour and then wash your face clean. Dab your face with a clean towel. Repeat the honey application daily till the acne fades.

Honey and sandalwood powder mask

Wash your face well with mild soap. Add the ingredients to make a paste. Apply it on your face and wait for 30 minutes. Rinse well to remove the paste. Repeat daily for results.

As said earlier, when you develop acne immediately treat it to reduce inflammation and apply honey so that it does not develop into a scar.
Current topic in The Dynamic Nature Skin Care:
Honey mask for acne - Honey for acne scars

Monday, February 25

Natural makeup tips - How to do natural look makeup

Home > How to apply natural look makeup - Natural makeup tips.
To apply makeup is to bring out the best of your natural looks. It is not to hide your natural self and look like somebody else.
Many women hesitate to apply makeup fearing that they may go wrong.

Well it is true that it will take sometime for learning and perfecting the tips about the use of correct products and colors for enhancing your beauty.

For people with skin sensitive to touch, a word of caution. Please consult a dermatologist to find out the cause of skin sensitivity and also test the natural ingredients before use.

On the very outset do not try to doll yourself up for parties and get into frustrations. Till you learn and perfect the art of enhancing your natural beauty by following the tips, leave these special occasions to professional experts. Make a beginning and apply makeup aiming to look natural for evenings and casual outings.

Tips for natural look

One important fact for getting that 'natural look' is to keep your skin healthy. To keep your skin healthy you have to eat healthy balanced food and avoid all junk fast food. Next you have to maintain skin hygiene by cleaning, cleansing, exfoliating and toning regularly with fixed daily and weekly schedules. Apply natural homemade face moisturizers regularly to keep your skin well-hydrated, supple and smooth. If you have skin conditions like acne consult a dermatologist for treatment. If you follow these tips, you will enhance your beauty and will be required to spend less time and money.

Cardinal natural makeup tip: "lesser the better"

Please note that natural look is not "no makeup" look. People must appreciate your beauty and not your makeup. Most important fact for being original is the sparing use of products. You will be required to only remove some extra face oil or conceal some of the blemishes and fine lines.

Tips for best face makeup

Use concealer sparingly to conceal dark circles and blemishes, only if necessary. Then apply the right foundation (which appears to merge with your skin tone) sparingly but blend well to avoid streaks. For making the foundation hold on, apply translucent powder. Lightly apply blush to apple area of your cheek; of course very sparingly.

Natural look tips for eyes

Consider your eye lashes. If they look thick and curled, you have no need of mascara or curling. If the lashes are sparse, very light or short, apply mascara to make them appear darker, thicker and longer. You can use an eye lash curler, if the lashes are very straight. If you apply mascara, for natural look apply colors closer to your lash color.

Apply eye liner very close to your lash line, almost into it and defining your eyes as they are. You may also use eye shadow, but go in for complementing neutral colors.

Tips for lips

Best color for you lips to have an attractive look will be the color of your finger tips when squeezed. You can also apply gloss of same color sparingly on the lip.

Simple makeup is easy to apply, maintain, less time consuming and at the same time brings out your hidden beauty. One most important thing to note is never to go to bed without washing your makeup off if you want to regain your natural look the next morning.
Current topic in dynamic skin care and tips:
How to apply natural look makeup - Natural makeup tips

Sunday, February 24

Best makeup tips - The best face makeup

Home > Best makeup tips - The best face makeup
What are the best makeup tips?
The most important tip for the best face makeup is to keep good health.
If you are healthy, your skin will be healthy and you will require less makeup. If you regularly cleanse, exfoliate and moisturize, the blemishes on your face will fade and you will require less concealer and lesser foundation. Before following the face makeup tips, the cardinal rule for achieving best results is to understand the type of face skin you have. As most of us are aware, there are five skin types namely normal, oily, dry, mixed and sensitive skin. Each type will require a different approach in selection of the best face makeup and its application.

Best makeup tips for face

After washing the face with lukewarm water dab it dry. If you have oily face skin make sure to blot the remaining oil, if any. Apply primer on the face as thin film. Then apply the concealer and foundation. Applying concealer without prior application of primer will cause the concealer and foundation to settle in fine lines and wrinkles, enhancing the blemishes. Though moisturizer can also be used instead of primer, the results are not as good as primer.

Please note that you should follow up with concealer application before the primer dries up or soaks into the skin. Give best attention while applying concealer on the wrinkled area of the face as well as area of larger pores, mostly on and along the nose. After application of concealer you can apply foundation sparingly.

Never overdo foundation application as you will end up with cake face. Take care to blend it to get an even tone with a foundation brush. With right makeup technique you can make your nose to appear central, symmetrical and also smaller. If you have skin sensitivity, try the makeup primers, moisturizers, concealers and foundation on a small area of your skin to test their best suitability before applying makeup.

Makeup tips for eyes

Apply primer and then concealer to cover the dark circles under the eyes. Concentrate on the inner corners as they tend to be darker. To have longer lasting eye-shadow apply eye base before makeup. Use eyeliners to line eyes, as close to eye lashes as possible. Slightly smudge the lines so that they do not stand out prominently on your face.

Next apply eye-shadow makeup, preferably three-toned shadow. Initially use the lighter shade to cover up to brow bone. Next use the medium shade across the eye lids only. Then use the darker makeup to cover up to crease area and then blend the shades to transition from darker eye lashes to the lighter brow bone region of your face.

If felt necessary, makeup mascara can be applied with mascara brush at the very bottom of lashes.

Makeup tips for lips

If you are suffering from dry and scaly lips, applying vaseline (petroleum jelly) on the lips and massaging with a brush (even tooth brush) will help exfoliation and the lips will become smooth and hold makeup. Alternately lip scrub can be used. It is best to use a liner so that the lip area can be defined on the face and lips can be made to look thinner or thicker.

The best makeup color for lips is the skin color you get when you pinch the tips of your fingers. You have to be very careful in selection of the color as not all shades look good on every one.

Best makeup tips for nails

Keep your skin on the fingers moisturized to avoid getting peeling cuticle or hangnails. Trim the nails evenly starting with the shortest one and file them to get the required shape. Nails looks best when they have same curve as the finger tips.

Apply nail polish remover before applying the nail makeup, whether you are wearing nail polish or not. It removes grease and oil from the nail surface so that later on the polish sticks well. Allow sufficient time for the polish to dry and it is best applied as two coats. Apply nail polish to reach the tips of the nails and a little down under the tips to avoid peeling.
Current topic: Best makeup tips - The best face makeup.

Friday, February 22

Oil cleansing methods - Olive oil cleansing recipes

Home > Olive oil Cleansing methods and Recipes
Olive oil cleansing method (OCM) is a procedure to clean face with oils. In olive oil cleansing method, usually a mixture of extra virgin olive oil and castor oil are used.
However, depending upon the type of skin and the need, the proportions of these ingredients may be varied and other ingredients may also be included in the recipe. When used by persons with touch sensitive skin, these homemade skin treatments, must be tested on a smaller area of skin to exclude acute urticaria.

Routine of olive cleansing method

  • In this cleansing method the mixture of recipe ingredients is rubbed into the facial skin for a few minutes by massaging, slowly, firmly and in circular motion, with palms or finger tips.
  • During this method routine focusing on the problematic areas of the facial skin can remove the blackheads and whiteheads.
  • Then a steaming damp cloth is draped and rubbed for sometime.
  • When the cloth cools, it is washed in hot water to remove gunk like dirt and skin debris sticking on to it.
  • If felt necessary the steaming cloth is again rubbed on the face to remove remnants of dirt and dead skin cells.
  • A cooled wash cloth is then draped and rubbed to wipe off excess oil.
  • If the skin appears too dry after this cleansing method, one or two drops of extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) is applied to moisturize the facial skin.
  • It is better to do the routine before going to bed as it will remove makeup and day long accumulation of dust and dirt.

There are individual variation to this method and also in the use of ingredients in recipes.

The science behind oil cleansing method

  • EVOO is rich in antioxidants which help in skin cell health, repair and moisturization.
  • Having low molecular mass, castor oil (CO) in the recipe penetrates deep into the skin, penetrating stratum corneum.
  • Ricinoleic acid is the main component of CO having anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.
  • Traditionally both of these recipe ingredients are used for skin disorders, burns, sunburns, cuts, and abrasions.
  • Our skin normally produces natural skin oil (sebum) to lubricate it and keep it healthy.
  • Sometimes sebum is produced in excess due to factors like hormones and malnutrition.
  • The use of chemical agents to strip the skin of its excess sebum induces the skin to produce more sebum, starting a vicious cycle.
  • As oil dissolves sebum, on application and rubbing, this recipe dissolves the hardened sebum and loosens the buildup of dirt, dead skin cells and bacteria.
  • Draping with hot wet wash cloth opens up the pores and rubbing with the cloth drains the pores and removes the dirt and skin debris.
  • The recipe mixture penetrate deep, helping in collagen production, elimination of bacteria, desquamation, cleansing and skin moisturization.
  • Finally, this method makes the skin moisturized, beautiful, clear, and glowing.
  • The general proportions of ingredients used in this olive cleansing method for different skin types is given below. You can experiment by adding other oils like jojoba, flax-seed or sunflower in the recipe to find out a cocktail which is right for you. Totally avoid using chemicals in this skin care method. Use clean water and clean wash cloth. Take care not to scald your skin by using scalding hot wash cloth.

Recipe 1: Olive oil cleansing for normal skin.

Ingredients in recipe:
Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) 80%
Castor oil (CO) 20%

Recipe 2: Olive cleansing for oily skin.

Ingredients in recipe:
EVOO 70%
CO 30%
If you still feel your face greasy, you can apply diluted lime juice on the face and rinse.

Recipe 3: Olive cleansing for dry skin

Ingredients in the recipe:
EVOO 90%
CO 10%
After this cleansing method, dab a few drops of olive oil on the face to moisturize.

For some individuals olive oil cleansing method may throw up problems like aggravated acne, cysts and inflammation as Castor oil may be allergic. If you encounter any skin health problem when doing this method, stop it pronto and consult a dermatologist.
Current topic in Dynamic Nature Skin Care:
Olive oil Cleansing methods and Recipes.

Friday, February 15

Natural remedies for acne scars - How to lighten acne marks

Home > Types of acne scars > Natural remedies for acne marks - How to lighten acne scars

To lighten acne scars many natural remedies are available.
The golden rule for preventing acne scars is to get rid of acne in its early stage.
If you are left with skin discoloration and scars after acne eruptions, you can successfully lighten them. If there is only discoloration and milder acne scars, you can try homemade skin remedies. People having skin sensitivity have to take extra care while using natural ingredients.

For acne scars which are deep and severe, seeking help from a dermatologist is the best option. However medical remedies to lighten acne scars requires sufficient spare time for visiting clinic and also wherewithal, as most of the procedures are time consuming and expensive.

How natural products function as remedies for acne scars

Acne scars, while having epidermal concomitants, also involve dermis and are caused by intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Exfoliation with natural products removes dead skin cells and debris from the surface of the skin and exposes the healthy new skin beneath. Fruit enzymes, alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) and beta-hydroxy acids present in natural products are used for exfoliation. These natural acne remedies to lighten scars work as keratolytic, antibiotic and comedolytic agents causing the top epidermal layer to lose its binding and shed more freely. They open up the pores and neutralize bacteria. They have greater bio-availability and by diminishing cellular cohesion between keratinocytes cells (corneocytes), induce formation of new stratum corneum. On reaching dermis, alpha-hydroxy acids and beta-hydroxy acids have been found to induce increased production of mucopolysaccharides and collagen and thereby increase the thickness of skin.

Natural kitchen ingredients to lighten acne scars

  • Natural proteolytic fruit enzymes like papain and bromelain are available in papaya and pineapple respectively which lighten skin.
  • Alpha-hydroxy acids are a group of AHAs having natural properties to lighten acne blemishes.
  • Glycolic acid, malic acid, lactic acid, citric acid and tartaric acids are the AHAs with exfoliating properties.
  • Salicylic acid, a beta-hydroxy acid is again an excellent exfoliating agent used as one of the natural remedies to lighten skin.

Papaya and pineapple as natural acne remedies

Papaya contains natural proteolytic enzyme papain. Applying the juice of papaya loosens and removes the top most epidermal layer and lightens skin.
Pineapple juice contains the proteolytic enzyme bromelain. Apply either of the juices on the acne scars and allow it to work for 15 minutes. Then wash well with lukewarm water. Applying the juices twice a week remedies acne scars.

Acne remedies with sugarcane juice and oatmeal

Grind oatmeal into fine powder and add sufficient sugarcane juice to make it into a paste. Apply it on the face and using rotating movements scrub the face gently for five minutes. Then gently wash it clean with lukewarm water. Applying twice a week will help exfoliation and lighten acne scars. Oatmeal works as good gentle scrub and the glycolic acid present in sugarcane juice is an excellent exfoliating agent.

Lemon juice lightens and remedies acne scars

Lemon juice and other citrus fruit juices contain citric acid, an AHA. Apply lemon juice on the face and allow it to dry. after 15 minutes wash the face well with lukewarm water and dab it dry. Applying the juice twice a week remedies acne blemishes and lightens skin.

Natural remedies with yogurt for acne scars

When milk curdles due to the action of lactic acid bacilli, yogurt (sour milk) is formed and the sour taste is due to lactic acid, an AHA. Apply yogurt on the face and leave it to dry for 15 minutes. Then wash well with lukewarm water to remove yogurt and dab dry. Apply yogurt twice a week to lighten acne blemishes.

Natural remedies to lighten skin - grape juice 

Grape juice contains tartaric acid which is again an AHA. Apply grape juice on the face and allow it to dry for 15 minutes. Then rinse your face clean with lukewarm water to remove grape juice. Applying natural fresh grape juice twice a week lightens acne scars.

Malic acid in apples lightens acne scars

Apples have an alpha-hydroxy acid known as malic acid. Applying apple juice on the face helps in exfoliation and remedies blemishes. Apply apple juice twice a week to lighten acne scars.

Natural acne scars remedies with raisins

Salicylic acid is a beta-hydroxy acid known for its comedolytic and exfoliating properties to lighten skin. Raisins (dried grapes) are found to contain natural salicylic acid in good proportions. Soak raisins in boiled water and then blend them to get a soft paste. Apply raisin paste on the face and leave it for 15 minutes. Then rinse your face well with lukewarm water to remove raisin paste and dab it dry. Apply raisin paste recipe twice a week to improve your skin condition.

Tomato lightens acne scars

Tomato juice contains salicylic acid, a beta-hydroxy acid. Apply tomato juice daily on the face as one of the natural remedies to remove blemishes.

Blackberries and blueberries as natural remedies

Both these berries have salicylic acid in their juice. Apply twice a week to lighten acne macules.


Turmeric has salicylic acid. Applying daily on the face lightens and remedies acne macules. Turmeric also contains antibiotic factors. However after application and washing, turmeric leaves a pale yellow coloration to the skin.

Most of the alpha and beta hydroxy acids derived from natural plant sources are in low concentration and usually do not cause any side effects. However persons with sensitive skin and those who are prone to allergies should use the above recipes with caution. They should try the natural recipe in small area in the arm to test for allergy before using it on the face. Stop using the recipe immediately if there is skin irritation or inflammation.

To prevent acne blemishes, medication must be started at the earliest on the beginning of eruptions and must be continued to avoid recurrence. If acne scars are formed, to lighten them, natural remedies may be tried concurrently.
Current topic: Natural remedies to lighten acne scars.

Wednesday, February 13

Dry skin around the mouth - Causes and remedies

Home > What is dry skin? > Dry Skin Around the Mouth - Causes and remedies
Dry skin (xeroderma) around the mouth can be caused by neglect of facial skin, lack of moisturization or presence of diseases. There are many remedies available for correcting the condition.

Please seek medical help for treatment of dermal ailments without delay as the condition around mouth area may get worsened quickly. For cures for allergies and eczema choosing an allergy specialist is an important step.

Dry skin around the mouth - Causes

Physical and mental stress, aging and cold climate may cause xeroderma around mouth. Diseases and conditions like mild sores around the mouth region, allergies, eczema, cold sore (oral herpes), seborrheic dermatitis, chapped lips and sores in the corner of mouth (angular cheilitis) can also cause this condition. There may be pain, reddening, itching and sometimes bleeding.

Frequent washing, bathing, use of harsh soaps, systemic illness, detergents, severe sunburn, or some medication can cause this condition. Nutritional deficiencies of essential amino acids, essential fatty acids, vitamins and essential trace minerals can give rise to such condition.

Angular cheilitis is usually due to nutritional deficiencies of riboflavin (vitamin B2), iron or zinc. The remedy lies in correcting the deficiency by taking food rich in the above nutrients or taking supplements.
The wounds may get infected by fungus or bacteria and applying a topical antibiotic to the area may be necessary.

In some cases excess intake of vitamin A in the form of vitamin supplements may cause xeroderma, chapped epidermis and angular cheilitis. Cold winter conditions cause chapped epidermis if proper moisturizing and cold protection are not done.

Dry skin around the mouth - Remedies

Hydration and moisturization: As xeroderma around the face is usually due insufficient hydration of the body, the remedy lies in sufficiently re-hydrating it from within by drinking sufficient quantities of water and moisturizing it from outside with repeated application of emollients like petrolatum, vegetable oils or butters.

Proper sleep: Sleep is a natural process for body building, body repair and one of the remedies for many skin problems. Sleep sufficiently to allow the body to carry out repair processes like natural upper epidermal layer peeling (desquamation).

Lip balms: Regular lip balm application on and around the mouth helps in protection from peeling and scaling of epidermis.

Moisturizers: Apply good quality dry skin moisturizers or make one at home to remedy your dryness around the mouth.

Exfoliation: Dry epidermal conditions tend to have peeling epidermis and exfoliating once a while helps in removing the dead cells. Please moisturize immediately after exfoliation.

Protection: If you have dry skin around the mouth, apply sunscreen for protection from sun and cover your face for protection from cold winds.
Current topic: Dry Skin Around the Mouth - Causes and remedies.

Sunday, February 10

Homemade skin treatments and skin care

Home > Homemade skin treatments and skin care
Skin care and homemade skin treatments have been around for thousands of years. Apart from being inexpensive, these treatments are easy to prepare and use.
These recipes with ingredients from kitchen are safe and effective. Skin, the largest organ of our body, gets continuously exposed to environment, chemicals and pollutants. It is the protective covering of all the internal organs systems. In turn, it has to be protected from the environmental elements. Its proper care is very much necessary for the proper functioning of the internal organs as well as the healthy and beautiful looks.

Homemade skin treatment starts with health management

The health of our skin is directly related to our general health and presence of health problems has a telling effect on its condition. If an individual is well-nourished, does not suffer from nutritional deficiencies or excesses and is free from adverse health conditions, then his/her skin, in all probability, will be in prime condition and glowing.

Hydration of the body for skin moisturization

Sufficient moisturization of the epidermis can prevent dermal problems. Not drinking sufficient quantities of water can lead to the dehydration of the body and epidermis. Chronic dehydration can lead to many health problems. It is recommended that, for every twenty kilograms of body-weight, one liter of water must be consumed daily in normal conditions. In summer and also when the temperatures are high the requirement will be much more. In chronic dehydration, epidermis will become dry, scaly and dull and lose its suppleness, elasticity and glow.

Balanced food for effective homemade skin treatment

The basale layer of epidermis is made of continuously dividing cells. As these cells proliferate and move upwards they undergo many changes and die to form a protective barrier from the external world. For a well moisturized supple and soft dermis this process must go on. These cells require nutrients for their uninterrupted activity.

Proteins: We have to take care to add sufficient proteins from different food sources in our diet. The matrix of dermis is made of collagen connective tissues. Collagen is a group of proteins. Any deficiency in proteins and their constituent amino acids will cause wrinkles and loss of elasticity.

Essential fatty acids: Essential fatty acids are required for the normal function of all body cells. However, excess consumption of fats results in excess fat deposits. Excess carbohydrates are also converted into fats and stored in the body. Excess fats lead to oily conditions and problems like acne.

Vitamins and minerals: Vitamin C and vitamin E are essential for production of collagen, the basic matrix of dermis. The deficiency of vitamins in B complex can give rise to many skin diseases requiring medical treatments. All the above issues can corrected by taking a balanced nutrition.

Exercise as skin treatment

Exercising regularly increases blood circulation to skin. The increase in circulating blood brings more nutrients and oxygen to dermal cells. Increased blood flow to dermis can delay aging, wrinkle formation and prevent acne. Sweating removes the metabolic wastes from the dermis and helps in easy exfoliation.

Understanding your skin type for homemade treatments

A perfect skin is a dream of every person and for many it remains as an illusion. For taking care and devising homemade treatments, in the first place we have to understand our skin type. There are normal, dry, oily, combined and sensitive types and each type requiring altogether a distinct homemade care.

Homemade oily skin care treatments

For oily skin care, homemade treatments focus on,
  • opening up the pores to remove clogging,
  • draining the blocked contents,
  • removing excess oil on the face surface,
  • bring out face oil stored in the sebaceous glands,
  • and closing the pores tight to prevent clogging and
  • taking corrective action to bring down oil output.
The whole process homemade treatments is discussed in great detail at the above link.

Homemade dry skin care treatments

If the dry condition is an annual occurrence in winter you have to evaluate the living room, bed room and work place conditions. It is most likely that they are very dry with low humidity. Try using humidifiers.
If dry condition is a continuous problem, for homemade treatments you should focus on,
  • correcting your nutritional balance,
  • scrubbing and exfoliating,
  • washing face regularly, patting it dry and applying moisturizers like petroleum jelly or olive oil and
  • making homemade moisturizing a daily habit.
More detailed information on homemade treatments is given in the above subtitle link.

Homemade combined skin care treatments

For combined type at first do the homemade treatments as in oily condition and follow up with moisturizing the dry areas. Please note that effective homemade treatments can be given with ingredients usually available in kitchen at low costs with great ease and with least side effects.
Current topic: Skin care and homemade skin treatments.

Saturday, February 2

Acne scarring - Types of acne scars

Home > Acne scars types
There are two different types of acne scars brought about by the tissue repair mechanism based on the level of tissue damage and inflammation.
Hypertrophic types of scars are characterized by raised thickened tissue with net increase in tissue formation on the skin. Atrophic types of scars are depressed areas of skin with loss of tissue.

Skin discoloration macules are formed When the acne is mild. If it is treated in the early formative stage it may leave behind reddish blemish, which may change in color to dark brown and then to whitish. This post inflammatory pigmentation blemish fades over time and may completely disappear in most of the cases. However if the zit is severe, if there is delay in starting of treatment or if the pimple is pinched or squeezed to repair the damage to tissue collagen bands may get formed causing scars, which may persist for years.

Hypertrophic types of acne scars

This cutaneous condition is characterized by increased tissue formation and raise in level. It is due to over production of collagen and its excess deposits during the healing process. Usually these types of blemishes confine to boundaries of the wounds and appear as bumps. These blemishes are usually found on the chest and back. This characteristic differentiates the normal hypertropic scars from keloids.

Keloid scars are formed in cases of severe pustules and are found to run in families. People of African origin have been found to be predisposed for developing keloids. Keloids can expand beyond the original pustule area and keep growing. Histologically, they are fibrotic benign tumors with excessive deposition of collagen, proteoglycans, fibronectin and elastin. Treating keloids is a challenge and when surgically removed, there is 50% chances of fresh keloid forming at surgery site.

Atropic types of scars

Atropic blemishes are more common and are as the result of loss of tissue during healing. Depending upon the appearance, they are further categorized into ice pick, boxcar and rolling types.

Ice-pick acne scars

As the name denotes, they look like ice-pick wounds. Usually they are small in diameter and are deep and narrow, having steep sides. Depending upon the severity of acne, they may extend into dermis. They are usually formed on cheeks.

Boxcar scars

These boxcar acne scars are very similar to those of chickenpox. They are found usually on the cheeks and forehead. They appear like deep pits with vertical sides. Wider than ice-pick scars, they are oval or round depressions. Depending upon the amount of tissue lost and collagen deposited, they may be superficial or cause severe depression.

Rolling acne scars

These acne scars give the skin a wavy appearance with undulation. They usually involve interlinking many closely formed pustules. As the pustule heals, in some instances, fibrous collagen bands form between the cutaneous tissue and the underlying subcutaneous tissue. These bands pull the epidermal layer towards the subcutaneous tissue which results in the undulating appearance of skin.

Types of treatments

There are various types of treatments available for these scars depending upon the skin and acne condition. Very effective treatments are chemical peel, dermabrasion, augmentation, subcision, filler injections, laser resurfacing, cryotherapy and surgery.

To avoid all these types of acne scars from occurring it is advised to consult and take guidance from dermatologist for treatment at the earliest stage.

Current topic in dynamic skin care: Acne scars types.