Saturday, December 20
the super food soya beans for skin care
Soya beans is an annual plant that has been used in China for hundreds of years as a food and as a component of drugs.
Soybean contains significant amount of all the essential amino acids for humans and so is a good source of protein.
Soybean is the primary ingredient in many processed foods including dairy product substitutes.
Soybeans are considered by many agencies including the U.S. FDA to be a source of complete protein. A complete protein is one that contains significant amount of all the amino acids ,that must be provided to the human body because of the body's inability to synthesize them.
The quality of soybean protein is highly notable and approaches the quality of meat and milk. Unlike many other good sources of proteins soybeans are low in saturated fats and are cholesterol-free.
Soybeans antioxidants help slowing the ageing process, keep the skin healthy, boost our immune system, and save us from cardiovascular diseases.
Visit "" for further information.
the use of super food honey in skin care
Honey is a sweet fluid produced by honey bees and derived from the nectar of flowers.
Honey gets its sweetness from monosaccharide, fructose and glucose and has approximately the same relative sweetness as granulated sugar.
Honey contains a variety of flavonoids and phenolic acids which act as antioxidants.
Honey is a source of natural unrefined sugars and carbohydrates which are easily absorbed by the body providing an instant energy boost.
The antibacterial and antiseptic properties of honey aid in healing of sore throats and laryngitis.
Honey is used for treating burns and wounds to the skin.
the super food date fruit in skin care
Dates have been a staple food of the Middle East for thousands of years.
They are believed to have originated around the Persian Gulf, and have been cultivated since ancient times from Mesopotamia to prehistoric Egypt.
Dry or soft dates are eaten out-of-hand, or may be pitted and stuffed with fillings such as almonds and walnuts.
Dates can also be chopped and used in a range of sweet and savory dishes.
The nutritional value of the relatively easy-to-store date fruit is high in sugar - comprising up to 70% of the fruit.
Date fruit is called a mine in itself because it is very rich in minerals.
Its phosphorous content is similar to that found in the same quantity of apricots, pears and grapes put together.
Its high content of magnesium (±600 mg/1kg of dates) could also be very beneficial.
The antioxidant properties of dates help in skin care uses.
For further detailed information visit
Saturday, December 6
Sitemap 3 - Vitamins and Skin Care
Vitamins are organic compounds having diverse biochemical functions and are required for the function and care of our body organs including skin. Vitamins are classified by their biological and chemical activity and thirteen vitamins are universally recognized. They are essential for normal growth, development and function of bone, muscle and other tissues. Some them can be stored by the body and some of them are required on daily basis.
Deficiencies of vitamins occur primarily due to our food not containing sufficient amounts and secondarily due an underlying disorder that prevents or limits the absorption or use of the organic compound. Insufficiency or lack of these vital organic components in the body may cause deficiency diseases affecting organ systems. Care should be taken to avoid overdoses which usually happens with supplements and may cause nausea, diarrhea, vomiting and rashes.
Oral and topical use of vitamins has been found give many benefits in dermal care. The antioxidant benefits of vit-C and vit-E help in preventing wrinkles and skin aging. Vit-A is useful in the control of acne and preventive care. Vit-K is believed to be useful in the prevention of dark circles under the eyes.
Detailed information about each of them is given in the following list of web pages.
- Vit- B1 deficiency causes sensitivity
- Vit- B2 (riboflavin) deficiency can cause wrinkles
- Vit- B3 (niacin) deficiency can cause inflammation, canker sores and eruptions (rashes)
- Vit- B5 (pantothenic acid) is essential for healthy skin
- Vit- B6 (pyridoxine, Pyridoxal phosphate, pyridoxamine) deficiency can cause dermatitis
- Vit- B7 (biotin) deficiency causes hair fall and loss
- Vit- B9(folic acid) deficiency causes dermatitis
- Vit- B12 (Cyanocobalamin) deficiency causes white spots
Gift of the dynamic nature Grape Hyacinth in skin care

Sitemap 2 - Category - Super Foods
Category: Super foods
- Olive oil - The wonder super food olive oil for skin care
- Olive oil for dry skin care
- Olive oil types - olive oil varieties
- Olive oil nutrition facts
- Health benefits of olive oil
- Olive oil for skin care and health
- Olive oil for hair care and hair loss
- Olive oil moisturizer - homemade skin moisturizer
- Spirulina - The wonder super food spirulina for skin care
- Aloe Vera - The wonder super food Aloe Vera for skin care
- Green tea - The wonder super food green tea in skin care
- Antioxidants help in the maintenance of healthy skin
- Garlic - The wonder super food garlic can prevent skin cancer
- Pomegranate - The wonder super food pomegranate for fairness of skin
- Honey - The wonder super food honey in skin care
- Date fruit - The wonder super food date fruit in skin care
- Soya beans - The wonder super food soya beans for skin care
- Nourishing skin - Fruits and vegetables for healthy skin
site map/index of dynamic nature skin care
Vitamins and Skin Care
Super foods and Skin Care
Common sensitive skin conditions
Acne, scars and blemishes
Homemade moisturizer treatments
Diseases, disorders and problems
Skin discolorations and pictures
Natural makeup application tips
Discolorations and pictures
Skin information
Vitamins and Skin Care
Super foods and Skin Care
Common sensitive skin conditions
Acne, scars and blemishes
Homemade moisturizer treatments
Diseases, disorders and problems
Skin discolorations and pictures
Natural makeup application tips
Discolorations and pictures
Skin information
- To take care of our skin it is important to know its dynamic nature
- The study of skin structure gives us an idea about skin care efforts to be taken
- Skin colour (complexion) is due to melanin deposits in the skin
- Skin physiology and function of epidermis
- Skin hydration - skin desquamation - stratum corneum
- Skin histology
- Skin pigment melanin
- List of skin diseases and disorders
- White spots and patches on skin, lips, fingernails, teeth, tonsils and genitalia
- Malassezia furfur fungus - skin infections, bronchopneumonia, sepsis
- Tinea (pityriasis) versicolor fungal skin infections
- Tinea (pityriasis) versicolor skin yeast infections - causes
- Signs and symptoms of tinea (pityriasis) versicolor skin yeast infections
- Diagnosis of tinea (pityriasis) versicolor fungal infections
- Tinea (pityriasis) versicolor skin yeast infections - treatment and cure
- Pityriasis alba pale or white spots/ patches on children faces
- Causes of pityriasis alba-white/pale spots/patches on children
- Pityriasis alba pale/white spots signs symptoms diagnosis
- Treatment of pityriasis alba - white spots/patches on children
- Pale white spots/patches on children skin face and body
- Milk spots - milia - baby milk spots - small white bumps on skin
- Milk spots - baby milk spots - milia causes
- Milia treatment - milk spots cure - prevent milia
- Fordyce's spots - disease - lips - genetalia - areolae
- Fordyce spots treatment and cure
- Nevus depigmentosus
- Idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis
- Idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis - treatment
- Idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis - causes - symptoms - diagnosis
- Vitiligo - skin disease - depigmentation - white spots
- Causes of vitiligo skin disease - loss of skin pigment - white patches
- Leucoderma signs - white patches on skin - loss of pigmentation
- Diagnosis of leukoderma - skin depigmentation - white patches of skin
- Vitiligo camouflage by micropigmentation
- Vitiligo cure - repigmentation - autologous melanocyte transplantation
- Vitiligo research - latest research trends
- Methemoglobinemia - overview
- Methemoglobinemia - causes - symptoms
- Methemoglobinemia treatment -diagnosis
- Stress and skin problems
- Raynaud's disease treatment
- Raynaud's disease symptoms
- Mongolian spot
- Argyria - Silver blue skin
- Albinism facts
- Albinism causes, types and genetics
- Chronic hives causes
- Acute urticaria
- Types of urticaria
- Chronic idiopathic urticaria treatment
- Small itchy water blisters on hand and feet
- Rhinophyma treatment
- Hives and angioedema
- Angioedema definition
- Causes of angioedema
- Angioedema treatment
- Angioedema symptoms
- Definition of cellulitis - Causes of cellulitis
- Hereditary angioedema - Symptoms - Treatment
- What is herpes zoster
- Herpes zoster causes
- Herpes zoster symptoms
- Herpes zoster infection
- Skin senses - pain - touch - cold - warm
- Skin sensitivity - causes of sensitive skin
- Skin sensitive to touch - tender skin - painful skin
- Tactile defensiveness - Sensory processing disorder (SPD) of touch
- Skin care - wrinkle free skin care - elasticity of skin
- Skin care - Basic skin care routine
- Skin care - Oily skin causes
- Skin care - Oily skin treatment
- Oily skin tips
- Dry skin tips
- Dry skin moisturizers
- Homemade face moisturizer recipe
- What is dry skin? Dry skin conditions and problems
- Causes of dry skin
- Treatment for dry skin
- Winter dry skin
- Skin whitening
- Glutathione skin whitening
- Skin whitening treatment
- Homemade skin whitening tips
- Permanent skin lightening
- Skin discoloration
- White skin discoloration
- Dark brown or black skin discoloration
- Skin discoloration pictures
- Reddish skin discoloration
- Bluish skin discoloration
- Yellow skin discoloration
- Reddened skin condition
- What is hemangioma - causes
- Skin hemangioma treatment and removal
- Salmon patches - Nevus simplex
- Nevus flammeus
- Carotene in carrots and orange skin discoloration
- Cosmetic laser treatments
- The best face makeup
- How to do natural look makeup
- Makeup application tips
- Acanthosis nigricans definition
- Acanthosis nigricans causes
- Melasma definition
- Melasma causes
- Melasma in men
- Melasma treatment
- Melasma natural treatment - melasma home remedies
- Hyperpigmentation on face
- Hypopigmentation on face
- Piebaldism treatment
- Poliosis
- Alopecia definition
- Nevus anemicus
- Post inflammatory hypopigmentation
- Types of alopecia
- What is alopecia areata
- Alopecia areata universalis treatment
- Alopecia areata totalis treatment
- Alopecia areata barbae treatment
- Alopecia mucinosa
- Scleromyxedema
- Hair growth cycle
- Anagen phase
- Anagen effluvium
- What is telogen effluvium
- Telogen effluvium recovery
- Loose anagen hair syndrome
- Short anagen syndrome
- Hypotrichosis
- Vitamin D deficiency and hair loss
- Does diabetes cause hair loss
- Biotin and hair loss
- Thyroid and hair loss
- Iodine deficiency hair loss
- Iron deficiency hair loss
- Zinc deficiency hair loss
- Madarosis
- Hypertrichosis
- Congenital hypertrichosis
- Hypertrichosis treatment
- Hypertrichosis causes
- Hypertrichosis symptoms
- Terminal hair length
- What is vellus hair
- Lanugo hair in babies
- Ambras syndrome
- Werewolf syndrome
- Eruptive vellus hair cysts treatment
- What is ingrown hair
- Ingrown hair causes
- Epidermoid cyst
- Epidermoid cyst treatment and removal
- Function of melanin
- Melanogenesis pathway
- Melanocytes definition
- Melanocyte-stimulating hormone
- Melanocytes function
- Melanocytic nevus
- Giant congenital melanocytic nevus
- Nevus of Ota
- Nevus of Ito
- Nevus spilus
- Hori's nevus
- Nevus sebaceous
- Becker's nevus
- Nevus lipomatosus cutaneous superficialis
- Spider nevus
- Comedo nevus
- What is an ingrown toenail
- Ingrown toenails symptoms
- Paronychia definition
- Paronychia pictures
- Chronic paronychia
- Acute paronychia
- Paronychia treatment
Friday, December 5
the dynamic nature - skin care blog
Hi folks. After creating this blog, I was very busy creating a web site of my own.It is about health care. Lot of research and reference work was put into. We do not realise that, nature has surrounded us with so many gifts. I have detailed a few of them in my web site. Do visit my web site and post your comments and suggestions in this blog.
This blog will be devoted for topics like skin, skin care, dryskin, oily skin, facial skin, winter skin care, summer skin care, vitamins for skin care, skin care products, hair care, hair loss, hair removal, skin health, skin diseases, acne, wrinkles etc..
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